You probably remember that Aussie Ufo documentary that aired earlier this month on SCiFI. Well just an annoucement that you can now get it on DVD here to watch if you missed it. The producer has gone through extensive research for 3 years to put out this amazing feature, and with the lack of good Ufo documentaries out there
Over 200 students, teachers and parents witnessed an unexplained flying object on Wednesday 6th April 1966 around 11.00 am. Silenced by authorities at the time, and still angry about not being believed, they revisit the event as Shane Ryan goes back to find an answer to the mystery
Many saw the strange object descend behind pine trees in The Grange Reserve, and then later ascend and fly away at great speed. The people who ran over to the reserve found a huge ring in the paddock where the object had been seen. Some people reported five light aircraft following or chasing the object."

Many saw the strange object descend behind pine trees in The Grange Reserve, and then later ascend and fly away at great speed. The people who ran over to the reserve found a huge ring in the paddock where the object had been seen. Some people reported five light aircraft following or chasing the object."

Director Rosie Jones came across the story via a story in the Melbourne Age which connected her to the efforts of Canberra academic Shane Ryan to get to the bottom of the enigmatic events. After 3 years of solid research, filming & editing we have the opportunity to view the result of all those efforts.
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