Arizona Flaming Orbs
PHOENIX -- On October 23, 2010, I was at the park and saw something falling out of the sky with a large flaming trail at 7:30 PM. It fell for about ten seconds and then disappeared. The flaming trail then reappeared far below where it had disappeared and continued to fall for five seconds. Then, it just stopped in the sky and a red and white orb pulsated for several minutes.
Suddenly a second flaming trail appeared to the right of the glowing orb and traveled horizontally, stopped and turned into a pulsating white and red orb. The two orbs sat in the sky for a few minutes, and then slowly faded out into smaller bluish orbs. About ten minutes later two orbs appeared with pulsating lights very slowly moving away from each other. After five minutes, they disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Glendale --
on October 25, 2010, an independent witness took this photo . I was sitting out back with my husband and friends when I saw a shooting star. I saw a bright debris trail that suddenly stopped as the object came to a stop. The blue orb then flew about a mile directly west at high speed turned and flew the opposite direction when its debris trail started back up. The object did a slight corkscrew movement and headed towards the ground. My husband yelled,
"There's another one!" As these objects' got closer they started to glow red and that is when I lost sight of them. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
California Cylinder
Pacific Coast -- On October 28, 2010, at 5:45 PM, my 3-year-old son and I were driving home on Pacific Coast Highway heading north and there was a strange drop-down cloud that had several spirals inside. This drop-down cloud was very bright. To the south of this drop-down cloud was a large definitive round bright circle shining through the clouds. In one photo there appears to be a grayish orb like thing in the sky next to the bright circle. I thought it was odd enough to take some pictures.
Woodland Hills -- My friend and I were driving south on Highway US-101 on October 30, 2010, after work and saw a huge object, about the size of a blimp moving slowly across the sky. I am very familiar with blimps as the Good Year blimp is stationed in Orange County, but I immediately ruled it out as it was a lot thinner. It was moving quicker than a blimp, without a cockpit underneath it. It was moving northwest, near the San Bernardino Mountains and moving over Glendale. There were no visible seams, and it had a slight shiny appearance, almost like hematite. I am experienced at identifying aircraft and told my friend, "Oh my God, I see a UFO. He was driving and was not able to see it exactly as it flew north, then disappeared behind the mountains. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Flashes
CAHONE -- The pictures were taken a few miles north of Cortez in Southwest Colorado at the witness's home on September 30, 2010, at 12:30 PM. He said,
"I did not see the discs, but I saw a round craft that was much closer. It was in the same area of sky where the discs showed up. I guess I feel it would be a real coincidence that the objects that look so much like discs I've seen are lens flare. I have never had anything even remotely similar show up in the thousands of photos I've taken.
His original sightings occurred last November 17 -- 18, when he had children show up at his house who were apparently from a disc he saw. On the 18th, he was led down the road by these children and up a rise where he could see a craft hovering over a nearby field. He says he sees craft frequently and has photographed cloaked ships, but I have to say his photos were not 100% convincing, yet I could see some kind of circular formation in the clouds in some of his photos .
Note: The above photos were taken by UFO investigator Bob Fiske. Bob was investigating an earlier sighting and the witness saw a flying saucer. Bob pointed his camera in the area of the sky where the witness saw the saucer and the above photo resulted. Bob used a Kodak P850 digital zoom camera to take the photos. This is a good camera and has a maximum resolution of 5.1 mega-pixels. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Idaho Bullet Shaped Dart
WALLACE -- On August 14, 2007, I was on a patrol spotting for forest fires as a wild land fire fighter. I was in my truck at 3:15am, on United States Forest Service Road 456 and turning on to Placer Creek Road on Moon Pass and saw a wildfire on the tree line about 230 feet to the left. At first, the light was dim, but got brighter and I used the radio to report the fire. My radio was fazing in and out.
I saw the light at super speeds jump out of the tree line into the sky that looked like a bullet shape dart. I thought it was time to put out a fire and hoped I could stop it before it got out of hand. I remember being very scared, my heart was racing, and I have never seen any thing like this before. After I calmed down I remember being lost, confused, and I thought I was going to die that night. (Similar object photo was taken in Tyne, England November 21, 2009 as shown above.) Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Sighting
Schaumburg -- I was driving east towards St. Charles, on October 27, 2010, around 9 pm, and noticed unusual lights on the horizon, which I dismissed as planes heading to land at O'Hare Airport in Chicago. We can often see a few planes circling towards O'Hare to land. We saw three distinct "strings", each made of 10-15 points of light that extended up from the horizon and curved over high in the night sky. We could see planes to the left and right of the hovering strings of light, which moved into or out of our field of vision. After my passenger insisted the lights were not moving, I pulled over to confirm and we watched for several minutes. We then continued East to Route 64 (North Ave.) taking it through St. Charles, IL to the Dupage Airport arriving at 9:30 pm, where there was open space to look. The strings of lights were still visible. We continued east on Route 64 to several large store parking lots at 9:45 Pm, and the lights were gone.
UFO Sighting over Illinois: The news of sightings of unidentified flying objects has become a part of daily lives for all the residents of the US as more and more reports of UFO sightings come in every day. In the latest news about such instances, Illinois has put its hand up as one more place where possibility of such UFO sightings has been confirmed. It was on 27 October that a man spotted a UFO in the skies. The spotting was a couple of hours before noon and the witness viewed it from Grove Road. The news was testified to MUFON, although no confirmation has been made. The one over Knott's Farm was triangular and this one is cylindrical. The witness has also said that the middle section of the object consisted of a band of black color. Pretty vivid UFO it must have been!
The object was predominantly white with a band towards the middle, which takes a dark hue. Illinois is not listed as a region where many of these UFO sightings are expected. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louisiana Orb
Moultrie Game Camera -- On September 14, 2010, positioned in the deep woods a motion activated Infrared Flash Digital Camera captured this strange light. The camera is strapped to a tree overlooking a mineral block and corn that is visited by wild hogs and other animals. There are no sources of light in the area.
There were four occurrences where light objects were captured at night on September 6, 13, 14, and 15th. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maryland Photos
Annapolis -- Nothing to tell really, I was just going over photos when I noticed something different in the sky. When I zoomed in on the image it from October 1, 2009, it seemed to be very unusual, unidentified.
I took the photo at my son's special soccer game at the Naval Academy in Annapolis. I did not notice it when taking the photos.
This is the original photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Minnesota Cylinder
West Central -- This object was sighted over West Central Minnesota on Halloween at about 6 pm. It was traveling from the east going west.
Maybe someone can try some enhancements on the photo. Taken with a Kodak easy share c913 using 3x zoom. Thanks to Reverend Schmitt
Missouri Y Shaped Object
LIBERTY -- I went onto my balcony for a smoke and looked towards the woods behind our parking lot, and there was a very large "Y" shaped object. It seemed to be glowing in a yellow, almost orange color. At first, I thought it was a helicopter until it actually crossed over the tree line and there was no sound. I froze in shock, as it seemed to drift in a semi circle around the field, then pick up speed and head across the cornfields.
When it was out of sight, I called my brother on the other side of town and told him to look north but it was gone. The object was the size of three SUVs strung together and made no noise. I've never been more terrified in my life. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Sightings
Ray Nuvolone writes, "I contacted you two weeks ago regarding joining your team as I finish my classes for my Psych degree. I am even more interested in joining after what I saw this past week. On October 18, 2010, at about 3 AM, I looked at the night sky and saw some kind of white orb floating not far from my place. I took my video recorder right away and watched this thing float around and away into the sky until it stopped. At that point, two more objects appeared and moved in ways that made my brain spin. I mean it was in one spot one second and then in a blink it moves to a different spot closer to the original object and then away again just as quickly. It is very hard to describe here.
Like I said, "I have about 35 minutes long video and I did use night vision. I have shown this to some people and some reactions I have gotten were strange. A friend of mine who is a believer in this stuff shed some tears when he saw it. Most people had a fear reaction such as raised arm hair and disbelief in the video. We all agree this is a true UFO sighting... Thanks to Ray Nuvolone
HILLSBOROUGH -- I saw a perfect triangular shaped object fly directly overhead at a rapid speed at 11:07 PM on October 31, 2010, when my husband and I were out on our porch stargazing. I noticed something moving overhead heading east, and at first thought, it was to think it was a flock of geese, but realized it was a triangular shaped craft with dim lights on each side outlining the shape. It was moving rapidly, and flying not too high up. I saw the object for a few seconds, and then I lost sight of it. It also seemed to be a decent size. There is absolutely no way I could mistake this to be anything else. It stayed in a triangular formation, and it moved as one large unit. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oklahoma Triangle
Weatherford -- While sitting outside smoking on October 1, 2010, I noticed a meteor falling slowly and prior to impact the meteor became brighter. I ran inside upstairs to the balcony of my apartment getting my camera and a better view and took this video.
I zoomed in my camera and then began filming. I did not think I had gotten anything, since it was so dark. Later, I was downloading a file and captured these triangular lights. What found with my digital camera was unexplainable to me!
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Disc
Strawberry Plains -- My daughter and I went out onto the porch to take photos of the rainbow after a big storm on October 25, 2010. She and I were taking pictures at the same time, but she caught this disc in one of her pictures. We did not realize what was there until we reviewed on the camera the pictures she took. I loaded them into the computer and was surprised to see this disc. You can see the sunshine hitting the top and the shadows on the bottom so we know it was something solid. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Boomerang
Mansfield -- My wife and I were outside putting some things in my truck on October 28, 2010, when she pointed up and said, "
What the heck is that; is it a flock of geese?" As it got closer, you could clearly tell it was not birds and had mass to it. The object was just to the right of the moon without lights andNO" sound! There were no lights emitting from it and it appeared to be t. The only thing you could actually see was the outline of an enormous transparent object flying south. As it passed over, it completely disappeared and I now know there are truly mysteries above! Thanks to MUFON CMS
West Virginia Orb
Ansted -- On October 31, 2010, I was sitting in my yard watching a hawk flying over, when I saw an object moving very fast toward the mountaintop. I got a picture but it was moving so fast it blurred the picture. I have seen many of these things here. If you keep close watch you can see one every day. There is no sound, no jet stream, and they move in and out slow or very fast. Sometimes they use the very same path. The last picture I posted was near the same point this one was. There may be a surprising turn of events in getting the attention of someone who knows about UFOs. Looking at the picture you will see a white dot that is not a cloud, nor a bird. With the naked eye it is in the shape of a pill, it is white, and looks like a craft of some kind. The picture does not do it justice. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Wyoming Lights
CRAIG -- I was outside and I was looking at the stars and saw these lights as they rose into the air. Thought it was just a star until I focused on it. It was flashing light of red blue and green. I stayed outside for two hours, watched, and then went inside for bed. I never lost sight I went in. I do not know the exact time. Thanks to MUFON CMS