Friday, June 3, 2011


On March 30, 1995 a local farmer had an encounter with a strange craft in the vicinity of Transvaal South Africa. It was around 8:30 A.M., while driving his vehicle around a curve in the road, that Mr. Pienaar noticed a strange craft parked approximately 240 feet in front of him. Immediately, the engine in his brand new truck stopped. The craft had three landing gear legs which extended across the entire length of the road. It was estimated to be approximately thirty six feet high. The exterior surface resembled a translucent stainless steel color. There appeared to be seven rectangular port holes or windows in the upper dome of the craft. A red/violet/green glow illuminated the hull, and Mr. Pienaar noticed that there was a hole of about two feet in size located on the outer edge. The strange object emitted a sound which was described as a buzzing “electric beater”.

At this point, Mr. Pienaar got out of his truck, but instantly realized that he could not take another step. It was as though the craft had trapped him in a strange magnetic lock. He was held in this position for approximately three to four minutes, after which the UFO suddenly rose into the air. Then, the craft sped away at a high rate of speed. Mr. Pienaar was then able to regain his mobility, and walked the few steps back to his truck. With the electro-magnetic effects of the craft now removed from his vicinity, he had no problem starting his vehicle. Mr. Pienaar returned to the location of the encounter thirty minutes after the event, and noticed that the pavement where the craft had landed was still scorching hot to the touch. -  Thanks to Phantoms and Monsters.  Above image is a rendering.


Brendon Hill first saw the flashing lights above Mayfield on Thursday night from his backyard balcony at Riverside.

He then witnessed the same lights on Saturday night.

"On Thursday I dragged my three mates outside to show them and they were bewildered - none of them could describe what they saw or could come up with an explanation of what it was," Mr Hill said.

Mr Hill looked at the site of the flashing lights through his binoculars the next day and said he could not see anything that would generate the same pulsing light.

"There are no buildings or towers in that area that could generate that much light - it was very strange how I couldn't see anything during the day," he said.

On Saturday about 9pm Mr Hill saw the flashing lights again and this time caught them on his video camera.

"It made my hair stand up on my neck," he said.

"It seems so unhuman, it doesn't resemble anything I have seen before and after seeing it with my own eyes it feels very spooky."

A Bureau of Meteorology Launceston spokesman said no sightings of Mr Hill's description were reported to the office.

However, there were reports of the Aurora Australis - or southern lights - which sends bright green and red lights flashing across the sky .

"The Aurora is more of a swirling, wave-like look across the whole sky: it does not sounds like his description," the spokesman said.

Launceston Air Traffic Control also did not have any reportings of the lights.

The Australian Defence Department was unable to comment.

Mr Hill said he had no reason to believe it was anything man-made.

"I don't mind if it turns out to be something really boring because it would put my mind at ease," he said.

"It's annoying not knowing what it was. My mind keeps ticking over trying to figure out what it could be."

Thursday, June 2, 2011

*BREAKING* MASSIVE UFO Mothership On The Peruvian News! May 26th, 2011

Latest UFO Sightings - UFO Videos 2011

TRANSLATION: "... That is been captured in the city of Guancayo; there you can see a weird looking object hovering the sky. Take a look at this, our viewer is called Henric Snider Solano de la Cruz, and told us that as soon as he devised this object, went for his video camera to record the moment, and send it to us. What does this look like? It could also be that someone might be looking at the "plane" from above, no no...

...Very interesting, Henric told us that he could not hear any sound coming from the object; and that's how he assumed that this was not an airplane or known object. Well it seems we have to investigate this one to determine what it is. Very interesting... here it goes again, you can see that something very big is flying through the clouds."

Absolutely Incredible! ORIGINAL FOOTAGE ADDED! I wouldn't normally post a video of this nature as it's unquestionably "too good to be true". The fact that this was broadcast on a Peruvian news channel is what has me interested. An immediate translation of this story is a must if we want to get started on the investigation.
I've been unable to locate the original source as of yet, perhaps a translation will bring this information to light.

UFO Videos : UFO crash and military retrieval in Russia: Old footage

Latest UFO Sightings - UFO Videos 2011 

A number of countries are currently experiencing UFO sightings at an unprecedented level: One of these countries is Russia: Dozens of sightings are occurring there daily to the shock of thousands of citizens who witness these craft.
Only weeks after thousands saw what might have been a giant UFO either crash or land in a wooded area in the Yakutsk region of Siberia, a UFO has been sighted in the oil town of Khanty Mansiysk.
The UFO, seen in the news report below (lower video), was disc shaped and a luminous blue colour. According to witnesses the craft hovered silently in the sky before vanishing. Meanwhile in the town of Volkhov another UFO was seen only days ago (first video below): in this case the object, also glowing, was diamond shaped.
Now scientists and researchers are asking; Why are UFO events occurring at such an increasing rate? Many believe aliens might be trying to warn humanity of some impending disaster.
What do you think?

Massive UFO Over Mayfield Makes News 2011

Latest UFO Sightings - UFO Videos 2011

Skateboarder Brendon Hill managed to capture on film some strange flashing lights in the Tasmanian sky over Mayfield . Plane, UFO? No one seems to know.