Australia Cylinder
At first, I thought I had just captured a comet/meteor but when I transferred the photo onto my Mac book it looks like something more. There are four four distinctively brighter "dots" and they are relatively uniform in separation?
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Abductions B.C. Woman Claims 'Visitations' From UFOs
A - They have both suffered first- hand experiences since early childhood, and still live with some of the after- effects from contact with these beings. They know the reality of what is really going on!
Q - You call yourself an abductee. What does that mean?
A - On a personal level, to be an abductee means that from early childhood, my children and I have been taken many times against our will, and had our bodies, minds and spirits raped. There are many abductees in Canada. The support group, which I held in Kelowna alone, held over 10 people ... from all, walks of life. The abductions began at four years of age, then once a teenager the visitations became more frequent, taking DNA material from us. It seems to be going from generation to generation. To this day, we still have unwanted visitations. Our friends witnessed a ship over our house, and know we were missing through the night and eyewitness reports from strangers. We also have medical evidence of burns on our bodies and marks on the ground after an event.
My personal belief is that there are many different species of aliens, and like us humans, there are benevolent ones and malevolent ones. Unfortunately, for us the "Grays" are the ones dealing with us. The "Grays" have no emotions and are not affected by how much pain and trauma they deliver. They are like robots who simply come to do their job and then leave. These beings come back in late July about every three years.
A - Sure there are but in our case, there are no other explanations and there is too much proof to think otherwise. I wrote a book, called "The Collectors, that tells of my being paralyzed with fear. I decided to make the fear work for me by turning my diary into a book, hoping to help others and encourage them to come forward. Lately, people are becoming believers and more supportive. I encourage others to tell about their encounters. To the benevolent aliens I would say, "Stop these malevolent ones from hurting our children, and help us!
Scarborough -- Hope you received the many photos taken here in Scarborough of this bizarre swirling white shape-changing object taken on November 1, 2010 is ALL SAINTS DAY!
It is a strange and very bizarre form of communication from the sky.
Thanks to Paul Michael Shishis
China Cylinder
Flashing lights of varying brightness can be seen in the video. Some observers have expressed skepticism over whether the object really was an aircraft or spacecraft. The Baoutou sighting is the eighth reported UFO sighting in China since the end of June. Some of these sightings may have been military objects. Thanks to:
Mexico Orb
Interview with Sergio Javier Mayn, 11 December 2005
Ana Luisa: Hello Sergio. How old are you and what do you do?
Sergio: "I am 16 years old and study at a vo-tech. I want to be an architectural engineer. That afternoon I went up to the roof with my sister Melissa, who told me that there was a UFO in the sky. We both watched a reddish-hued orb, and I went downstairs quickly for the camcorder.
AL: Did you manage to record the red orb?
Sergio: No, it was not possible, because when I went back to the roof, the red orb was not there anymore. Then I turned to the right to look for it and came across another UFO, with a brilliant spherical object at low altitude, static in the heavens. Since my camera was ready, I was indeed able to record it. After recording the orb and taking some photos of it, I realized that a plane was about to fly over and I decided to widen the shot to show the reference. During the first moments of the video, only one UFO is seen, but soon another moves very slowly and rises toward the zenith. I was sure that it could not be an airplane. We could see that it was a black, round object surrounded by smaller, bright orbs. The sighting lasted about three minutes and flew faster than an airplane. Some white orbs are seen, and another longer black-colored object, passed at great speed. UFOs are something we know they exist.
UK/ Scotland
Ron Halliday, who revealed his top ten Scottish UFO events to STV News earlier this year, said witnesses had come forward and reported three sightings to him since July. On July 28, 2010, a middle-aged woman in the Edinburgh suburb of Currie was looking towards the Pentland Hills at around 11.50 PM, when she saw a dazzling light. The woman had a pair of binoculars with her, so she managed to see a round-shaped object with markings on the side. As she watched it, the object - which was pale yellow - seemed to change shape.
Then, at around 9.15 PM, on August 30, the same woman saw a similar light in the same area of Currie. Once again, it was pale yellow. The woman was convinced the object was not a plane.
The third sighting came on September 26, at about 10 PM, when a couple saw an unexplained orange ball travelling at speed across the Slateford area of Edinburgh. The man described it as looking "like a small sun. He said it was noiseless and definitely not a helicopter or plane. The witness also recorded seeing a bright flare coming out at one end of the craft'. Ron says having three sightings around the Pentlands in the space of three months is quite unusual. As UFO researchers will know, these latest events happened only a few miles away from two of the most famous unexplained incidents in Scottish history. Thanks to STV Scotland.
Me and a friend were working outside during the night at the Kelowna Air Port, ( X-Ray Convair Wings),the very same night Corina and her friend saw the UFO. A UFO hovered directly above us that night, there was no sound or wind but an extremely bright light that enveloped us. We were like frozen yet no fear come over us, after a while we kind of shaped out of it and watch the UFO fly away. We continued on with out work, I however have thought of that night ever since, and wonder what actually happened.