Thursday, May 2, 2013

UFO Over RUSSIA 25.04.2013

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2013

Astrakhan region, Seen at 08,15pm g.Harabali pos.Silitrennoe.2 times of analyzing and processing at high speed, You can see unidentified flying object, In single-frame playback you can see dark shapes, elongated shapes, appearing in hundredths .Ne tampering done on video, You can is its clear.

1 comment:

  1. Hello UFO enthusiasts! A crashed UFO may have been discovered in International waters in the Baltic Sea! Have you heard about it?! There is now a major movement happening to try and raise the funding to identify this object!

    Please take just a few minutes to review this link and decide for yourself! We need exposure to succeed so we can find the truth about this object!

    We need your support!

    Thank you!
