Moon May Have Enough Water for Human Base
Before crashing into the lunar surface the LCROSS spacecraft's instrumentation successfully recorded close-up the details of the rocket stage impact, the resulting crater, and debris cloud. Last October, NASA scientists decided to look for water on the moon twice by actually sending two probes 230,000 miles to crash into the lunar surface. The mission was designed to kick up what scientists believe is water ice hiding in the bottom of a permanently dark crater. The ice is critical to any future manned missions to the moon since it would be a lot easier to turn ice into drinkable water than haul it all the way from Earth to the moon. And that seems to be exactly what NASA has discovered. There is enough water ice on the lunar surface to sustain a human base there. And on top of that, scientists have found that there's an abundance of hydrogen gas, ammonia and methane on the lunar surface, and that could be used to produce much-needed fuel there.
When the probes slammed into the moon, they kicked up plumes of debris that shot up nearly 10 miles above the lunar surface. That debris, according to NASA, might not have seen direct sunlight for billions of years. As the debris shot into space, NASA instruments recorded its content.
"Seeing mostly pure water ice grains in the plume means water ice was somehow delivered to the moon in the past, or chemical processes have been causing ice to accumulate in large quantities," said Anthony Colaprete, a project scientist. "Also, the diversity and abundance of certain materials called volatiles in the plume, suggest a variety of sources, like comets and asteroids, and an active water cycle within the lunar shadows," Colaprete said.
A report published in the journal Science on September 2, the Lunar Prospector spacecraft currently orbiting the moon has sent back data indicating the probable presence of billions of tons of water ice at the moon's poles. "This makes colonizing the moon a lot more attractive. The amount of water would easily support a colony numbering thousands of inhabitants almost indefinitely. This makes the moon a practical refueling stop for spacecraft bound to the outer solar system, since water itself can be broken down into the components of rocket fuel. Earlier this year, the Obama administration proposed that NASA scrap its plans for a new manned mission to the moon. Thanks to
Sharon Gaudin
Moon Mining Crucial
Advanced technology demands some advanced materials, commonly referred to as rare earth elements that are very rare. America may not be in a lurch just yet, but these elements won't last forever. Turns out there's another place to find them is on the Moon. We know the Moon has traces of REEs such as europium and tantalum, which are used in everything from electronics to advanced weaponry. A recent study by a Congressional review body found that "China supplies most of the rare earth minerals found in technologies such as hybrid cars, wind turbines, computer hard drives and cell phones and plans on stopping exports within five years.
The U.S. has its own largely untapped reserves that could safeguard future tech innovation. It takes infrastructure to process these minerals, and that infrastructure is not in place in America. We may have to go to the Moon for more. It may be economically viable to explore the moon and extract the REEs.".
Denver ET Commission Initiative 300 Is Going To Pass
Dennis J. Gallagher, a former Denver city councilman, and now the elected City Auditor of Denver, Colorado, has predicted that Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission Initiative 300, is going to pass in the general election to be held on November 2, 2010.
Veronica Barela, CEO and Executive Director of NEWSED, a major community development organization feels Latinos who account for 30% of the Denver population will vote for research into UFOs. Many people who have seen UFOs would like to form a commission to study the phenomenon. The biggest problem is that the cities finances are stretched like most government agencies. Former Denver Police Officer Michael Newell, who served in Vietnam states, " If and when that city's voters approve the "Initiative 300" during their general election Nov. 2, 2010, they not only will have sent a profound no-confidence message to the federal government vis-a-vis U. S. officialdom's mishandling of UFO-E.T. reality but also will have made international history in paving the way for the public's right-to-know and the government's duty-to-tell". For detailed information on this, the Ultimate People's Project, see . Meantime, I encourage all supporters of this paradigm-shifting effort to sign the related online petition at -- Vote on November 2, Thanks to Larry W. Bryant
UFOs and Demonic Possession
In it she states, "a large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing, and invisible entities as well as phenomenon like poltergeist manifestations and possession. Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomenon that have long been known to theologians and parapsychologists."
Solar Flares Threaten Power Systems
A 7.5-magnitude earthquake has hit off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia , and a tsunami hit the Mentawai Islands killing at least 115 people. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake struck about 240 kilometers from Padang, Sumatra, at about 10:42 a.m. The quake occurred at a depth of about 14.2 kilometers.
The Mount Merapie volcano on Java erupted on Tuesday spewing ash and smoke killing at least 18 people and may be related to the suns geomagnetic storm.
Solar flares sometimes erupt from sun spots and are apparently causing damage on Earth. They are temporary areas of intense magnetic disturbances on the surface of the sun. The spots appear to be dark against the sun because they are actually slightly cooler than the surrounding surface due to the spots very high levels of magnetic activity. Sun spot activity comes and goes in approximately 11 year cycles, the last cycle peaking during 2001 while the next cycle should peak during 20102. The cycles begin in activity very quickly when they start, and will last for a few years. We seem to be entering the early stages of a new solar cycle now, during 2010.
Modern society relies entirely on intertwined and very complex systems to bring us our essential needs as well as our non-essential wants. At any time, these systems could quickly break down and leave millions of people to fend for themselves. In todays turbulent world, this is even truer, given the technical capabilities and know-how of enemies wishing to do harm.
The modern world relies heavily on the technical systems that enable commerce. Electronic banking, ATMs, debit and credit cards are all interwoven into electronic networks that link you and your money with the seller. These systems are fairly well secured. However, there is one single point of failure for all of these systems, and that is the power electric transmission system. The likeliest threat to the power system is vulnerability to solar flares.
Occasionally a sunspot will produce a violent explosion of radiation including light waves, gamma rays, X-rays, or energized particles called a CME or Coronal Mass Ejection. If a sunspot is facing Earth during the time of a solar flare, a CME will reach Earth within one to four days depending on its speed, while an X-ray flare will reach the earth at light speed, which is about 8 minutes from sun to earth. These solar flares are classified as A, B, C, M, or X based on its energy (the X-class flare is capable of causing planet-wide radio blackouts and severe radiation storms).
If a solar flare is powerful enough, the affects are felt on earth and could damage satellites in orbit and systems on the ground, the most vulnerable of which is the electrical grid. During a solar storm, direct electrical currents build up on transmission wires, and when the currents get strong enough they will trip out circuits and destroy transformers, that transform voltage from a higher voltage usually to a lower voltage. The most powerful solar storm of the last 200 years occurred in 1859, when electrical telegraph wires shorted out in the US and Europe and caused widespread fires. If this were to happen today, it would be catastrophic given our reliance on the interconnected electrical systems and systems of communication.
The challenge would be building new transformers and parts without immediate power! Manufacturing plants would have to be outfitted with powerful generators in order to build what would be needed to replace the destroyed transformers. It would be a slow process. People will begin dying off by the end of the first week without water. Desperation will result in a rampage of crime with hoards searching for food and water. A complete civil breakdown could take place with a mass migration out of the major cities.
Prepare for power grid failure by stocking up with at least four weeks of food and water. Dont forget about storing water, especially if you live in an environment where water is not accessible very near by. Food and water storage is a basic first step that can save your life or help to save others. Good survival techniques, including developing practical skills and securing supplies could save your life. s. The food and water can always be used eventually, so the actual cost of being prepared can be comparatively low. Thanks to Mitch Battros
Bed Bugs Surging
If you dont like the way Congress is run, vote on November 2, to change it..
Sightings in the United States
Arizona Sightings
With the naked eye I could see the dark area on the left and the bright white vertical boomerang shape on the right. I grabbed my camera and took pictures; the one I posted is the best image. These images were able to provide much more detail than I could see otherwise. My wife also could see the object but decided to leave after watching it for about ten minutes. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Triangle
On the night of March 13, 2010, we drove out to one of our locations; and noticed a peach in color star low in the sky. Twenty minutes later, it started moving northwest at a fairly quick pace then disappeared behind the mountain. We decided to head for home and noticed a different object coming and we both jumped out, me with my laser light and my niece with her camera.
It was really bright and looked long and I decided to make a symbol in the sky using my laser light in hopes that it would stay within our view. My niece managed to take this photo where you can see the bright, golden light as it is flying, and something round is flying with it. Thanks to Billy Booth and his www.UFO, and Ken Pfeifer
This object was different because I couldn't see any wings, tail, windows, or a jet stream. It also seemed to move with more ease like it was gliding. I grabbed my camera and only caught one good enough to show. It disappeared high into the sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Triangle
We all watched it become more visible the closer it came and passed under the moon's light, and we were dumbfounded by witnessing a black UFO with the shape of an arrowhead. The bottom had three obvious lights, one at each point. The lights mimicked the original shape of the object. We reentered the vehicle, at 9:05 PM, and my fianc tried to use his phone, but t here was no service. I suddenly felt ill and fatigued; my face felt like it had been doused with boiling water. My companions felt the same.
We decided to follow the UFO that soon disappeared behind a very thin cloud with aircraft pursuing and circling the cloud UFO. Then a bright orange tinted light appeared through the cloud, and the UFO became visible once more as it sped past the aircraft and passed near the moon's light and began a slow diagonal ascension. While still following the craft, we turned back onto the main highway outside of Collins as the UFO disappeared as probably military aircraft began swarming the area.
Later, we felt as if we had been beaten, and our friend called saying to tell us she had to put antifreeze into her brand new 2010 Hyundai that was acting up. None of us ate for 24 hours and our skin felt burned like radiation poisoning. A bull and horses inside the field where we saw the UFO were huddled together like a group of scared children. The BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace) investigator was urging me to go back out to where we had our initial sighting, and question the farmers out there. People around here tend to keep what they've seen to themselves in fear of being judged.
Note: Boy what an experience! The male witness wrote a very detailed concise report. We do not know if the aircraft pursuing the object were military. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Illinois Rainbow of Lights
Yorkville Plainfield On October 8, 2010, we witnessed the most bizarre activity at 7:30 PM , off Route 126. I tried to call the Plainfield Police Department but strangely, every time I dialed the number, I would hear loud interference and lose the call. Finally, I was transferred directly to the police who told me to contact the Kendall Country Sheriff who said they would send someone out, but never saw them.
We are convinced we saw three hovering UFOs above a field that had three bright glowing lights on the bottom. They were a hundred yards apart and spread out in the shape of a triangle. As we approached a clearing we could also see a strange object on the ground. It had three very bright lights and appeared to be on its side? The objects in the sky were hovering above and one of them dimmed its lights a couple times and then lit back up. We know they were not airplanes since they hovered much too precisely. The one over our van was pretty high up. My husband, our three children, and I were in awe watching for 45 minutes. Thanks Brian Vike
Louisiana Black Object with Tail
I went in the house but my son called me back as the object was silently hovering directly over him and my stepson. It was definitely a craft and tried to take a photo, but oddly the memory card was full and the tail started appearing again. We watched for a couple of minutes and it disappeared once again. Ten planes were circling our house as a large white bright ball of light moved fast across the sky and grew dim, turned red, and disappeared. We then saw two more "chases" each with a fast moving solid ball of light that disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Moon Shot
I just wanted to share the photo.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Hampshire Triangle
It was dark and unlit, but clearly triangular in shape and with three funnels hanging from its underside - kind of like the thrusters at the bottom of the space shuttle. I only saw the underside and swerved my car as I looked up in amazement.
I pulled over and drew a diagram of what I just seen. I could clearly see the underside that was nothing like any plane. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey UFOs
VINELAND -- At 10:30 PM, a sphere like apparition appeared in the sky with pointed sides; almost eye shaped and soon disappeared on the night of October 16, 2010. I was driving down Dante Avenue with a friend, and looked out to see a large silvery white object appear. I did not know what to make of it. The whole encounter lasted five seconds, during which time the UFO stayed in its set position, and then disappeared into itself, leaving nothingness behind.
TOMS RIVER I noticed four lights arranged in a cross shape all blinking at the same time on October 20, 2010, at 10:15 PM. The object was moving slowly north and steadily along the Ortley Beach Atlantic Ocean coast line. Its lights started blinking in an alternate pattern - two red at one time, and then two white lights would blink. The lights disappeared, as I turned left on to Harding Avenue driving north and then reappeared. They were still blinking in an odd pattern and the lights began to descend until I could not see them anymore under the tree line adjacent to High School East.
The T shaped object was flying along the coastline, but the lights were clearly all the same size and intensity. If it was a plane it looked as if it would have to be flying on its side, but theres no way a plane could move from the ocean, over the bay, over Route 37, and over High School East, let alone descend low enough to not be seen below the low tree line. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Philadelphia -- From a jet flying at 6,000 feet, I saw a metallic soccer ball flying near our jet as I flew on commercial flight. We were descending toward the Philadelphia airport and were just east of the Delaware River, when I noticed an object 150 yards from our jet that looked like a metallic soccer ball. It was sparkly as it flew. I thought my eyes must be deceiving me and the sparkly look was due to a bird flapping its wings. It was too big to be a bird at even 100 yards. The pilots must have seen this thing... one could not miss it if they were looking out the window.
It appeared to have flat spots in the same sort of configuration as a soccer ball. It was flying roughly in a west direction. The object was in my view for 15 seconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Dark Objects Photographed
It was definitely moving enough for me to notice, but it could have been smaller objects reflecting some type of light source. I was driving about 80 miles an hour and had my window down looking north. The smaller objects seemed to shoot out of the larger one quickly.
I do not know how I even noticed them as fast as it happened. My camera is Fugi fine pix 1000 and the time and date stamp was changed after the photos were taken. I feel I witnessed a UFO event. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Disc
NEW YORK CITY -- Steve Bassett suggested I send this story to you because he thought you might be very interested in it. During the summer of 1974, an actual radiant bi-convex disc-shaped craft, with an insignia on it, came down to the height of five-story buildings and slowly flew at 45 miles per hour with multi-colored programmed blinking lights, cruising up the canyons of Manhattan in daylight for all to see. It was totally blacked-out on the TV news and not reported in the press. This event may well be one of the biggest cover-ups in the history of UFO sightings. Please help me uncover the facts behind this extraordinary incident. If you have information contact John Gallagher t (212) 362-0655.
Washington Photo
Confused as to why and how planes would hold a formation like this above the airport, I turned and drove south down Highway 503 towards the lights. I got out of the car with my camera and snapped a photo as the formation began rotating slowly in place. The lights broke out of formation and moved steadily to the east. The two remaining lights continued to rotate as one left formation and flew north. The remaining light faded from sight.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Note: Analysis has revealed that the one photo sent appears to be the original as output from the digital camera located 60 miles east-northeast of Seattle . Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Worldwide Sightings
Canada Cylinder
CORNWALL, ONTARIO -- On October 9, 2010, at 2:30 PM the witness was walking to his parents house when I looked up and noticed a very bright cylinder shaped object moving slow. At first, I thought it was a plane, but then I noticed it had no wings and not only that, but under it, there was another object moving at almost the same speed. They must have been about 100 feet apart and moving so very slow. There is no way a plane could stay hovering like this. I ran to the house to get my father and show him. I just took my eye off the higher cylinder object for only a second and when I looked back, it had vanished literally.
One minute it was the brightest thing in the sky, the next minute it was gone without a trace. We then watched the other object float away at a very slow rate of speed and this all happened in about a 5 to 10 minute span. I thought this was very cool, because I had never seen a UFO in daylight before. Thanks to Brian Vike at website:
One minute it was the brightest thing in the sky, the next minute it was gone without a trace. We then watched the other object float away at a very slow rate of speed and this all happened in about a 5 to 10 minute span. I thought this was very cool, because I had never seen a UFO in daylight before. Thanks to Brian Vike at website:
UFO over China
He went to climb the West Mountain with some of the travel enthusiasts on October 14, and arrived at the Jade Emperor Pavilion around 6:30 p.m. Dong decided on a suitable camera angle and spent about an hour taking 44 pictures altogether. Later at home Dong saw two saucer-shaped flying objects in one of the 44 pictures. Unsure of the fact whether they were real UFOs, he showed the picture to his family and colleagues. His camera is a Canon 40D with a 17-40/F4 lens.
Contributing Editor Proffessor Ana Luisa Cid has sent us impressive images of unidentified flying objects reported during Mexico's military parade commemorating our southern neighbor's bicentennial on September 15, 2010
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla proclaimed Mexico's independence from Spain -- a goal not achieved until 1821.
Source: Ana Luisa Cid y Scott Corrales
Youth Videotapes Extraordinary UFO Evidence
by Ana Luisa Cid, Images Courtesy: Sergio Javier Mayn and Javier Mayn
Source: Ana Luisa Cid y Scott Corrales
Youth Videotapes Extraordinary UFO Evidence
by Ana Luisa Cid, Images Courtesy: Sergio Javier Mayn and Javier Mayn
This was a real UFO and not balloons because this object moved very straight across the sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Sightings
Bilston, MIDLANDS On October 24, 2010 , there was another sighting over the cemetery last night at 7 .40 pm. Two orange lights were seen high over the tops of trees, one following close behind the other. Quickly followed by a light aircraft bearing standard navigation lights that s eeme d to be following the objects. Thanks to Br ian Vike
Northern Ireland
Holywood -- I was having a look around the cloudless sky on October 23, 2010, at 8:30 PM, when I noticed an orange orb which appeared to be at a fairly high altitude coming out of the west and heading east. When almost overhead it abruptly changed direction heading south before dimming and eventually disappearing. About ten minutes later another orange orb came out of the west, approached nearly overhead, made a sharp 180 turn and headed west before disappearing. The luminosity seemed to be pulsating this time, although there were not any sign of aircraft strobe lights. At no time was any sound heard. Thanks Brian Vike at
Ron Halliday, author of several books on UFOs and the paranormal, tells STV what he thinks are some of the top ten unexplained events in Scottish history.
Forth Railway Bridge - One day in 1962, engineering graduate Charles Farquharson looked out the window of his house in South Queens ferry to look at the beautiful scenery around the Forth Railway Bridge, an area which is no stranger to UFO sightings.
He saw a flying saucer hovering just above the bridge for about 15 minutes. Mr Farquharson was convinced that the craft was studying the railway line before it flew away.
Abduction of ten-year-old girl - In 1976, a ten-year-old girl known as Karen from the village of Meigle claims she was abducted by aliens in woods near her home. She says she saw some strange blue creatures before she was lifted up into a spacecraft and examined. Karen eventually returned home hours later.
Globe of fire - In the early hours of January 6, 1992, farmer Arthur Moar claims to have seen something incredible near his home on a remote part of Shetland. Mr. Moar was going about his daily business when a bright light outside his home drew his attention. Around 30 or 40 yards away, he saw a flaming ball which he recognized as a globe of the earth, complete with continents.
Andrew Cherry - The story of Andrew Cherry is well-known amongst UFO investigators as it is one of Scotlands first documented sightings of an unexplained spacecraft. At 5.30am on a July morning in 1947, Mr Cherry was waiting at a bus stop in Edinburgh as he prepared to go to his work. He noticed a disc-shaped object with a window 300 feet in the air. Mr Cherry could clearly see an alien wearing dark clothes and operating a control panel. When Ron interviewed Mr Cherry in 1994, he said "after all this time I still have chills running through my body".
"Tattie Howkers" - In the 1950s, a number of farm workers known as "tattie howkers" were returning home in the back of a lorry along the Musselburgh to Edinburgh road when they were followed by a UFO for about five to ten minutes, terrifying everyone inside. Several witnesses saw the bizarre object before it flew away at great speed. Thanks to STV Scotland
UFO Conferences
- November 13 -- Pat Marcatillio's annual UFO conference Bordentown, NJ
Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteIamhaving little difficulty here with your SOHO satellite....
And the truth about UFOs (DRONES, Vimanas,aliens) leaked here....