In Special Reports, this week's files cover Scientist Claims We Have Received an Alien Signal, Extraterrestrial Life Is a Possibility, Mars Life Form? NASA, JPL Scientists among First to Endorse Billy Meier UFO Photos, Solar Storms May Cause Rate of Decay to Speed Up, Disc Sightings, and No Increase in Social Security. Why Pick on Seniors?
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings over California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington. Sightings of UFOs also occurred in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Lebanon, England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Special Reports
Scientist Claims We Have Received an Alien Signal
Although Zarmina's discoverer Steven Vogt has been adamant the planet supports life, he has certainly never claimed there are intelligent, radio-capable beings on the planet. Thanks to UFO Casebook and Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Statistically, Extraterrestrial Life Is a Possibility
"The UNOOSA chief categorically denied recent press reports that she had been appointed as Earth's ambassador for aliens should they appear.' British papers covering a Royal Society meeting on outer space apparently jumped to this conclusion when they discovered Othman's participation in an expert panel discussion about extraterrestrial life. "Othman points out that as space exploration improves, its detection becomes more likely. The world must come together to lay out a plan for how to cope with such a discovery. The U.N. should determine who should represent humanity if aliens come to our planet.
UNOOSA is charged with promoting international coordination of space exploration, and a unified response to threats from asteroids and space debris. Thanks to
Mars Life Form May Travel in Herds?

James Watson writes, "Most of what NASA calls "dunes" on Mars, are not in fact dunes, but a land life form that travels in herds. This is a breaking story. The pictures are all from NASA sources and are easily found using Google.
The life forms are in such great numbers on the surface of Mars, that NASA by necessity hides them by using graphic tools to eliminate detail, and make them look like dune-like bulges of darkness, or innocuous surface features as illustrated in the group of five NASA tampered images above.
The life forms are in such great numbers on the surface of Mars, that NASA by necessity hides them by using graphic tools to eliminate detail, and make them look like dune-like bulges of darkness, or innocuous surface features as illustrated in the group of five NASA tampered images above.
This image suggests the life forms are either gathering to form a massive colony or are migrating from the colony. Note the dark appendages at the top of many of the life forms and the suggestion of a membranous gelatinous body.
I created a web page below and will be adding to it. Thanks to James Watson
Editor's Note: These objects are quite large with several meters to a pixel.
Editor's Note: These objects are quite large with several meters to a pixel.
Gary Kinder's Open Letter to the UFO Community shows that stellar scientists and experts who first found for the authenticity of Billy Meier's UFO photos, films and other evidence were Michael Malin, Robert Post, Marcel Vogel, David Froning and others.
According to Michael Horn, the scientific support was unprecedented. "Consider that you had major scientists like Malin saying, I find the photographs themselves credible, they're good photographs. they appear to represent a real phenomenon.' While he naturally found it hard to accept that some farmer in Switzerland is on a first name basis with dozens of aliens who come to visit him' Similar opinions were expressed by Robert Post of JPL, who said, From a photography standpoint, you couldn't see anything that was fake about the Meier photos. That's what struck me. And of course Marcel Vogel's conclusion that, even with all of the resources of IBM available to him, he couldn't duplicate the metal samples given to Meier by the extraterrestrials.'
Horn said that Kinder, who was a skeptic about the Meier case when he began his research, foresaw the likelihood that the various scientific experts would later regret being so candid about their findings. Threats regarding withdrawal of funding could be used to get them to distance themselves from something as controversial as a UFO case. So Kinder, who is also a lawyer, made sure that each expert read and then sign off on their statements before publication in his book, Light Years. Snip
Editor's Note: Wendelle Stevens personally assured me the Meier photos were authentic.
Solar Storms May Cause Rate of Decay to Speed Up
New evidence has surfaced that something potentially more dangerous is happening deep within our sun. Never-before-seen particles or a mysterious force shot out from the sun is hitting Earth and affecting all matter. Alarmed physicists first became aware of this threat over the past several years.
Laboratories around the globe have confirmed that the rate of radioactive decayonce thought to be a constant and a bedrock of scienceis no longer a constant, the rate of decay is speeding up. Something being emitted from the sun is interacting with matter in strange and unknown ways with the potential to change the nature of the Earth itself. Scientists have always assumed the rate of decay of atomic particles was predictable. Indeed, using the decay rate of Carbon-14 has been a method to date archeological artifacts. The process, known as carbon dating, measures the quantity of Carbon-14 within organic objects with a specific half-life of 5,730 years. Physicists have proven that it takes 5,730 years for Carbon-14 atoms to decay into a stable Nitrogen-14. These values had never changed in the past according to the scientists, but are now changing. The rate of decay may have accelerated in the past giving false readings on artifacts and the Earth's age.
Worst of all, if the decay rates of matter are being mutated then all matter on Earth is being affected including the matter that makes up life. The mutation may go so far as to change the underlying reality of the quantum universe, the nature of life, the principles of physics, perhaps even the uniform flow of time. In fact, some evidence of time dilation has been gleaned from close observation of the decay rate. If particles interacting with the matter are not the causeand matter is being affected by a new force of nature-then time itself may be speeding up and there's no way to stop it. Researchers have correlated the anomalies in the decay rate to a 33-day period that matches the rotation of the sun's core that blasts out streams of neutrinos. These may be the culprits behind the mutation of matter.
As the sun builds towards solar maximum and a period of dangerous intensity never experienced by any living person inexorably approaches, strange, uncontrollable forces could be building deep within its fiery nuclear furnace. It's already been proven that the sun's mass warps time, and may account for mutation of species on Earth. This new force may be directly interacting with matter in a way that could not only change Mankind's understanding of physics, but change Mankind itselfand not necessarily in a beneficial way. Is the Sun Emitting a Mystery Particle, Discovery News, Thanks to
Disc Sightings
Daniella Wrubel writes, "I was walking through our dining room and saw a series of bright lights out the window in October of 1986, about 7:30 PM. I stopped to get a closer look through the window and saw before me, with my mother standing at my side, an enormous dome shaped object about 50 yards away. It had circular bright white lights all around the lower edge of it. It was two levels and hovered silently around 8 feet from the ground. It had no sound whatsoever and no movement. Beams of light emanated through our yard and through the darkness of the night sky. To say the least, it was magnificent. My mother and I were awestruck. We then called our next door neighbor, but she wasn't home. When we came back to the window to see the ship, it had mysteriously vanished.
Since this incredible moment, I am forever a believer in UFOs and feel blessed to have had a close encounter. I have an ability to feel energy in people and situations.. The ship had a very peaceful energy, one of curiosity and not of threat or harm.
It is my belief that UFOs visit our planet in order to gather information and do not want to cause destruction or harm. If anything, they are waiting for us to be ready to receive the many gifts they possess. They wonder why we live in such darkness, self-hatred, and primitive ways. Human beings have incredible powers of intuition, healing, and manifestation. The aliens are puzzled as to why we are so fearful of utilizing our powers. We may not have a choice one day. The more we tap into our God given selves, the more we can prepare for what is yet to come. Thanks to Daniella Wrubel.
Social Security No Increase, Why Pick on Seniors?
Ronald Regehr writes, "Last week, for the second year in a row, the federal government announced there would be no increase in Social Security benefits until (possibly) 2012, as the cost of living had not increased. Is that so? Let's take a look at what comprises the fed's basis for the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)Housing, food, transportation, utilities, drugs, and medicalfor the average beneficiary receiving $1164 per month. Most seniors live in places not subject to the vagaries of the housing market. Thus, their housing costs remain relatively fixed when compared to other demographic groups. However, because of the foreclosure "crisis, giving the impression of a general decline in housing costs, what may be true for the average American family has no bearing on most seniors and should not be included in the cost considerations. Declines in housing costs skew the COLA.
Food costs continue to rise. In the last three months, food costs rose an average of 1.4%. during the past three months, gasoline prices rose an average of 5.1% while other bus, subway costs rose an average of 3%. Heating oil costs jumped an average of 11.8 percent, Utilities also rose; electricity shows a 1.1% increase while natural gas rose 3%. Medical costs also rose 3.7% during this same period. Used vehicle costs jumped a whopping 12.9%. Costs rose and will continue to rise. But will these increases in the COLA mark the end of penny pinching for our senior citizen? Not by a long shot. Yesterday (Oct. 16) in a speech before the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke said: "...inflation is running at rates that are too low.They plan to print more money. Therefore, there you have it. Benefits frozen + costs rising = Recipe for disaster. Note: If you are a bank, Congress gives you $870 Billion to pay your employees million dollar bonuses. "Never in the history of the world has there been a situation so bad that the government couldn't make it worse." Thanks to Ronald Regehr.
~~Remember to vote November 3, 2010.~~
This October 2010, has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays, all in one month. It happens once in 823 years
Sightings in the United States
California Videos
San Francisco -- I was at my friend's house on October 15, 2010, with my wife when we saw five brightly lit orange flying objects over the bay. We watched them for two hours as they stayed in a horizontal line trading places intermittently. I am a state certified electrician and my wife is a cosmetologist. After last night, I have no doubt there is some other technology out there. There was an additional super bright object directly up from us in our atmosphere that reflected off the San Francisco fog. Over time, the object shifted, either with our planet or individually away from the measuring stars. Three or more military planes with a super bright nose lights and red and blue lights on the wings circled repeatedly checking out the objects. As they neared the five objects, the military planes looked ridiculous near the objects. The object above us was white, like a fluorescent light in color and was extremely bright. I had to leave, so unfortunately we missed their departure. This was amazing. My name is Phillip Lucchesi and my phone camera would not work.
Florida Triangle Cylinder
FT. MYERS -- On October 15, 2010, a triangle shaped craft moved in from east heading toward Naples, then back towards its original path, then headed west at 2:37 PM. It moved inhumanly fast and clean cut fast movement defined its movement.
FT. MYERS -- On October 15, 2010, I was at work in a gated community at 2:30 PM, and I looked up to see what at first I thought was an airplane until I realized it didn't make any sound or have any wings. It was cigar shaped and a pale white with what seemed to be black windows on the right side of the craft. It was flying low at a few thousand feet, slower than an airplane landing. I looked off to my right to see an airplane and looked back at the craft that vanished. My boss walks over and I ask, "Did you see a UFO? "Yep, I did three days ago, it was a tear drop shaped silver craft, coolest thing in the world and no one would believe me, and I would love to see it again and closer. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Lights
This is a wooded area in the middle of Georgia, with no lights within 300 yards. I just went down and retrieved my memory card and there are several more with strange lights from the last couple of nights.
You will also notice there is a deer feeder in the picture. That is the reason for the camera. The camera is a Moultrie trail camera. I own 20 acres and the camera is close to the center.
Note: A beam of light is on the deer in the photo. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Illinois Strange Black Object
Chicago -- On Sunday morning October 10, 2010, from about 6 to 7 AM, a strange black object was witnessed floating high above Chicago's West side skyline. This object did not move for the duration of the hour, which confirms this was not a traffic helicopter or plane. If you have seen anything like this area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike website:
Chicago -- On Sunday morning October 10, 2010, from about 6 to 7 AM, a strange black object was witnessed floating high above Chicago's West side skyline. This object did not move for the duration of the hour, which confirms this was not a traffic helicopter or plane. If you have seen anything like this area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike website:
The object was under the altitude of the passing airliner, and 1/2 mile in the distance (where as the airliner flew directly over me. The object flew southeast out of view within 10 - 15 seconds. I was able to snap one photo - but all you can see is a faint shape, with flight path, direction, and location of the object. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Cylinder Photo
Barbourville -- A few moments after 6 PM, on October 18, 2010, I was looking northeast taking photos of a local new grade school, saw a blur, and never paid attention.
When checking the images at home a cylinder shaped object is in frame on one of the shots.
I have the original image on the XD memory card.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louisiana Cylinder
Note: The source of the above photo is unknown. UFOS Northwest has received videos in the past that shows this identical object. Perhaps the witnesses extracted this image from one of these videos. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Maine "Glowing Blue Globes"
On September 26, 2010, moving around an island campsite and shooting up 20 to 30 feet in the air as they watched from a boat in the dark "We were 100 yards from the first site and we notice brilliant blue 'globes' zipping through the (area), dropping to the ground, then shooting up 20 - 30 feet," the reporting witness stated.
They watched the globes for about 5 minutes, and then they "sped around the island to our site." The following day, the group hiked over to the site and found nothing disturbed. They have been camping in this area for 12 years, and report that the driver of the boat will not get with "one-half mile from that site after dusk."
Missouri UFO around Moon
A military helicopter just flew over my house. That has never happen before! Maybe they might be out to take a look. Every since I was approached by one of these things I wanted to tell everyone that something is here. I have seen a few of them up close and they appear to be pure energy, but the energy is contained in a transparent sleeve or shell. Explain to me what is flying around the top of the moon.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Hampshire Flashes
By the time, I got my SLR 6 megapixel camera one had vanished. I took twelve successive shots from my porch through an open window until the second one vanished. I was very excited to have seen two and photographed one.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Sightings - 07-03-10
CHERRY HILL -- Bill Stephenson writes, "I've made contact with our witness and you can rest assure that he has had strange events happen to him since and before his sighting of an EGG shaped UFO. He believes it all started with his mother and his birth. On October 15, 2010, at 7:15 Pm, Bill conducted an interview with the witness's mother via telephone. At that time, she related the following.In August 1979, I was having a C Section to give birth to John. I was 20 years old at the time. During this emergency procedure, my heart gave out and I had to be resuscitated. During this period, I had the feeling of a supreme being in my presence. I was as if I was having a guide traveling with me through space and time. We were on a mission to find people who were worthy to travel with us. This being was extremely powerful. We were not able to find others and I was jolted back to life. While I was in darkness, there was a multitude of star light all around me. I don't know what or who the powerful spirit was by at no time did I doubt who was in charge, she stated. Thanks to Field Investigator Bill Stephenson NJ MUFON
These were definitely NOT fireworks, nor were they helicopters. The photo attached shows four separate objects in the sky untouched. The larger outer photos are enlarged at 400% and the contrast and brightness has been altered in Photoshop to bring out some details. I have also attached the two original photos, directly from the camera memory card, (untouched) for scrutiny by anyone and everyone. These are four separate objects. They were flying in groups of two. Please scrutinize these photos. Thanks to
East Windsor -- On Saturday, October 9, 2010, my wife, a group of friends and I went out to a haunted trail in East Windsor. I was just looking around while waiting at 10 PM, and noticed a couple of stars moving. I saw three separate light rings, in a triangle formation moving very slowly across the sky silently. It was barely noticeable blending into the star background. I stared in amazement making sure it was not a plane. I asked, "What is that?" Unfortunately, no one else was able to see it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York "Discs" on Video
One speculated it was a balloon, another joked that it was Superman, and yet another said, "It's looking for the mother ship!" The city says its 311 help line got dozens of calls about the object. Erica Hill told the story on "The Early Show":
Later, it was announced students of the Milestone School in Mount Vernon were celebrating at an engagement party for one of their teachers. A dozen silver balloons were accidentally let loose at 1 pm on Tuesday -- and the first sightings of the UFO were at 1:30 pm that same day. Video also showed a series of higher-flying objects that should be researched.
Editor's Note: This sighting was reported in such a way as a deliberate set up to make people think most UFOs are in fact balloons or natural objects. Even the first sightings on TV appeared as balloons. If it gets on TV, they are unlikely to be real UFOs. The TV game seems to be to pick out fake objects and make a big deal out of it, then give the simple explanation.
Ohio UFO
NOTE: Today's digital cameras have infrared capabilities and can see what the witness did not see. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Pennsylvania Four Flying Orange Objects
Note: The sketch looks like a hot air balloon. A check of winds aloft was from north to northwest indicating that the lights (balloons) were drifting with the wind. William Puckett, Director
Tennessee Triangle Video
CLEVELAND -- On August 21, 2010, seven friends and I were leaving a restaurant in at 9:30 PM, and saw three large glowing lights in the shape of a triangle. The first thing I noticed was how huge the object was. The span of the triangle was incredible -- it was much bigger than any airplane. It moved too slowly to have been a plane. The object made no noise and after three minutes, it disappeared. I knew it was a UFO, but one friend thought it was jet burners. I caught it on video with my cell phone.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Star Destroyer
Washington Webcam Photos
Note: Only one of the three photos is displayed. The other two photos have anomalies that are likely due to lens flares effect. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
SEATTLE -- A bright soft orange boomerang shape object flew steadily about 10-15 feet away from my window on the morning of October 6, 2010. It was about as big as a flying crow. First, it looked like a bended stick to me that was flying with its wide part facing the direction it was going. I did not see any more details in the dark other then the strange orange glow. This is my third sighting, but I was surprised because I have never heard of flying sticks. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide Sightings
Australia Blue to White Light
About 9.50 PM, we noticed others staring at a light above the vineyards. The object had small lights around it. We watched it for five minutes then I got my camera out, filmed it with my Lumix TZ10 for about thirty seconds.
I zoomed in, but it was hard to hold my hand steady. I also took some photos. A minute later, it shot off really fast. Thirty to forty people saw it and someone else got video of it on YouTube.
Canada UFOs Merge
BRANTFORD ONTARIO -- On October 7, 2010, I woke up early and before I turned off the light, at 5:50 AM, I saw two parallel stationary lights. They appeared a little larger than big stars that did not move. Then, a red light flashed between them. The left light got brighter, repeated and still they did not move. Then just as I decided I should get my camera, they merged and appeared as a starfish shape for a second and moved behind a building, maneuvered away, and became a golden glowing flat oval sphere flying out of sight. It was now 5:58 PM. I have no rational explanation other than a UFO. Thanks to Brian Vike
Ireland Black Object
The body was clearly black against the sky, and had two rings of dim orange/white light on either end. It sounded exactly like someone exhaling gently. The object was wrench shaped. My father told me there was a large power outage in my area thirty minutes before this happened. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Lebanon Cylinder
Gravesend, Kent -- On October 17, 2010, about 9 PM, my husband was outside and called, "Come quick and have a look at this!" At first glance, I thought they were those floating lanterns, but I could see they were not as they looked like two great big twinkling bright orange pulsing stars. My hubby said there were three at first, and one just faded upwards. There was an airplane flying near them, but the plane looked small compared to them. The plane was moving but they were hovering in one place. I said get the binoculars, but they were not very good. After five minutes they gradually faded away, gaining altitude. Then about a minute after, the other, one gradually faded away upwards. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Scotland Red Spherical Objects
IRVINE, AYRSHIRE -- On October 11, 2010, m y partner's brother and I witnessed two red spheres about 8:45 PM. One appeared to be static red in color that I thought was strange for a star. My partner pointed out the other sphere was moving towards us from a westerly direction. It was also red and larger, and made no sound. It circled the smaller sphere that disappeared, and then the larger of the spheres decreased in size and disappeared. There had been a suggestion that it was Chinese Wish Lanterns, but it did not feel like this. There was no changeable wind, which would account for the movement. We witnessed the larger of the two spheres. My brother took a short video on his mobile, but it is not of great quality. Thanks to Brian Vike
Gravesend, Kent -- On October 17, 2010, about 9 PM, my husband was outside and called, "Come quick and have a look at this!" At first glance, I thought they were those floating lanterns, but I could see they were not as they looked like two great big twinkling bright orange pulsing stars. My hubby said there were three at first, and one just faded upwards. There was an airplane flying near them, but the plane looked small compared to them. The plane was moving but they were hovering in one place. I said get the binoculars, but they were not very good. After five minutes they gradually faded away, gaining altitude. Then about a minute after, the other, one gradually faded away upwards. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Scotland Red Spherical Objects
IRVINE, AYRSHIRE -- On October 11, 2010, m y partner's brother and I witnessed two red spheres about 8:45 PM. One appeared to be static red in color that I thought was strange for a star. My partner pointed out the other sphere was moving towards us from a westerly direction. It was also red and larger, and made no sound. It circled the smaller sphere that disappeared, and then the larger of the spheres decreased in size and disappeared. There had been a suggestion that it was Chinese Wish Lanterns, but it did not feel like this. There was no changeable wind, which would account for the movement. We witnessed the larger of the two spheres. My brother took a short video on his mobile, but it is not of great quality. Thanks to Brian Vike
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