Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, "UFOs Do Exist"
"There are many reasons to believe that they (UFOs) do exist: there is so much evidence from reliable witnesses".Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, London Sunday Dispatch, March 28, 1954.
Former Soviet Air Force Personnel Disclose UFO, Alien-Related Threats
Former Soviet Air Force Personnel Disclose UFO, Alien-Related Threats
There have been incidents of UFOs hovering over the Soviet nuclear sites. A sinister event took place in the Soviet Ukraine in the early 1980s, and the SETKA (secret UFO research, a combination of academic and military efforts) program field scientists had studied the case. This and other cases are covered in UFO Case Files of Russia. Also, the Chernobyl disaster and the benign UFO interference is covered. The Soviets were helpless: UFOs ruled the sky, and USOs ruled the oceans, seas, and deep-water lakes. The dramatic history of Soviet UFO research certainly includes accounts of UFOs around their nuclear sites. U.S. is definitely not alone in attracting UFOs to its nuclear sites. We need more research from other nations. China, needs to be heard, too. Thanks to Paul Stonehill
Editor's Note: Soviet military personnel blame the demise of the Soviet Union on attacks and manipulation by UFO intelligence. Unconfirmed UFO reports continue over China's Nuclear Sites.
UN Office Prepares for First ET Contact
UN 'to appoint space ambassador to greet alien visitors.'
a Malaysian astrophysicist who heads the UN's Office for Outer Space Affairs in Vienna — already charged with things like keeping track of satellites to prevent Kessler Syndrome and coordinating the international response to any earth-impacting asteroids — will be the first person to meet with aliens if they do show up.
Mazlan Othman, a Malaysian astrophysicist, is set to be tasked with co-ordinating humanity's response when extraterrestrials make contact. She will set out the details of her proposed new role at a Royal Society conference in Buckinghamshire next week. The 58-year-old is expected to tell delegates that the proposal has been prompted by the recent discovery of hundreds of planets orbiting other stars, which is thought to make the discovery of extraterrestrial life more probable than ever before.
Mrs Othman is currently head of the UN's little known Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa) that includes representatives from numerous countries. See list at ,
Earth Sized Exo-Planet Discovered
To astronomers, a "potentially habitable planet is one that could sustain life, not necessarily one that humans would consider a nice place to live. Habitability depends on many factors, but liquid water and an atmosphere are among the most important. "Our findings offer a very compelling case for a potentially habitable planet, said Steven Vogt, professor of astronomy and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz. "The fact that we were able to detect this planet so quickly and so nearby tells us that planets like this must be really common. "Advanced techniques combined with old-fashioned ground-based telescopes continue to lead the exoplanet revolution, said Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution. "Our ability to find potentially habitable worlds is now limited only by our telescope time.
Vogt and Butler lead the Lick-Carnegie Exoplanet Survey. The team's new findings are reported in a paper to be published in the Astrophysical Journal and posted online at . Coauthors include UCSC associate research scientist Eugenio Rivera; the University of Hawaii-Manoa; and research scientists Gregory Henry and Michael Williamson of Tennessee State University. The paper reports the discovery of two new planets around the nearby red dwarf star Gliese 581. This brings the total number of known planets around this star to six. The planets around Gliese 581 have nearly circular orbits. The most interesting of the two new planets is Gliese 581g; with a mass, three to four times that of the Earth and an orbital period of just under 37 days. Its
mass indicates that it is probably a rocky planet with a definite surface and that it has enough gravity to hold on to an atmosphere, according to Vogt.
Gliese 581, is located 20 light years away from Earth in the constellation Libra that has two previously detected planets that lie at the edges of the habitable zone, one on the hot side (planet c) and one on the cold side (planet d). The newly discovered planet g, however, lies right in the middle of the habitable zone. Vogt said. Henry said, "Planet g is an important milestone, "because it brings us a big step closer to learning if there actually are life-bearing worlds in our galaxy. "Any emerging life forms would have a wide range of stable climates to choose from and to evolve around, depending on their longitude, Vogt said. The researchers estimate that the average surface temperature of the planet is between -24 and 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-31 to -12 degrees Celsius). The surface gravity would be about the same than Earth's, so that a person could easily walk upright on the planet, Vogt said. The new findings are based on 11 years of observations of Gliese 581 using the HIRES spectrometer (designed by Vogt) on the Keck I Telescope at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii.
Given the relatively small number of stars that have been carefully monitored by planet hunters, this discovery has come surprisingly soon. "If these are rare, we shouldn't have found one so quickly and so nearby, Vogt said. "The number of systems with potentially habitable planets is probably on the order of 10 or 20 percent, and when you multiply that by the hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way, that's a large number. There could be tens of billions of these systems in our galaxy. This research was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and NASA. Planet Discovery
Vatican Astronomer Would Baptize Aliens ,
James Martin, article in the America Magazine the National Catholic Weekly September 23, 2010 reports,
He said he was "comfortable" with the idea of alien life and asked if he would baptise an alien, he replied, "Only if they asked.""I'd be delighted if we found life elsewhere and delighted if we found intelligent life elsewhere," he said. "But the odds of us finding it, of it being intelligent and us being able to communicate with it - when you add them up it's probably not a practical question.
"God is bigger than just humanity. God is also the god of angels." He said the characteristics synonymous with having a soul - intelligence, free will, freedom to love and freedom to make decisions may not be unique to humans. "Any entity -- no matter how many tentacles it has has a soul," he said. Thanks to America Magazine,
Fulham Predicts UFO Fleet to Arrive
The book, Challenges of Change (3rd ed.), reports this event will be the initial interaction in a process leading to humankind's acceptance of the alien reality and technologies for the removal of poisonous gases from the earth's atmosphere in 2015, if not sooner.
The author draws upon his military experience with the UFO phenomenon dating back to WW2, and later, with NORAD and his subsequent life-long association with a senior NORAD intelligence officer who provided him a wealth of historical data relating to UFO/alien reality. In the military's view, the public is not yet ready to accept an alien reality.
For more than a decade, through the services of a world-renowned channeler, the author has communicated with an ethereal group of entities known as the Transcendors -- 43,000 very old souls who combine their vast experience and knowledge through eons of incarnations, providing advice and information to humans in search of basic realities of humankind's existence.
Fulham warns humankind will survive all of these future challenges, except the CO2 pollution of our atmosphere. According to information provided to the author by the Transcendors, the build-up of CO2 pollution is rising 1% annually to a "critical mass of 22% in which mankind could not survive without outside intervention. The Transcendors state they have borne witness to countless thousands of alien civilizations who polluted their planets to total extinction where nothing survived. They urgently warn planet earth is presently on the same self-destructive path. Fulham reports the aliens are well aware of our environmental crisis, and have benevolently decided to rescue humankind in this vast universal drama.
Fulham clarifies there are no absolutes; the principal of free will precludes all absolute realities, and the aliens may decide to postpone their intervention -- but the Transcendors confirm it will nonetheless occur in 2010. Quoting the author, "The event will "occur this year, in what will surely be one of the great dramas of our galaxy, the introduction of their alien civilizations and technologies to mankind. We are not alone, and our world will have changed forever." Thanks to Randy Kitchur, Amisk Enterprises Ltd., Website:
Editor's Note: I predict although UFOs will continue to sighted a fleet will not show up over major cities.
Editor's Note: I predict although UFOs will continue to sighted a fleet will not show up over major cities.
China Launches Moon Probe
It's mission might not end with the moon, as scientists are considering sending it into deep space.
According to Li Shangfu, the Director of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.
"I am very happy to announce Chang'e-2 satellite correctly entered orbit as planned. This launch has been completely successful."
With this launch, China hopes to take its place amongst space powerhouses the United States and Russia. This mission also paves the way for a manned moon mission.
Back in 2007 China used a ground-based missile to blow up one of its weather satellites and triggered fears of a space arms race with the U.S. and other space powers.
French Mirage III pilot Saw UFO
"The object looked like two reversed saucers pressed against each other, with a precise contour, a gray metal color on the top and dark blue below, with no lights or port-holes. The clarity and precision of the shape of the object left no doubt that it was something solid and physical, and Captain Fartek made this drawing. He provided many more details, as Letty describes. The similarities between the object described by the three Captains -- Guerra Schultz and Fartek "- in different countries and in different years are both suggestive and fascinating. (Collection J. Fartek)
"He told me when we met that the sighting called into question his perception of what were then called flying saucers,' because he had never believed in them, Letty says in his chapter. "Now, he acknowledged to me that after seeing this craft he could no longer doubt their existence. "Hearing his testimony, I too did not have any more doubt about the reality of the phenomenon.
I found the Farteks' testimony so disturbing that I have been preoccupied by the UFO problem ever since. In 1996, after he became a Major, Commander Fartek was interviewed for the COMETA study which I initiated, and even then, after seventeen years, he was still visibly shaken by what he saw.Thanks to UFO Casebook and the Huffington Post.
UFO Report from 1927
Project Blue Book Special Report 14, claims weather balloons were being launched during this period and may provide a possible explanation for the UFO. Thanks to Mark
The Iranian Nuclear Facilities under Attack
The finger of suspicion has pointed first at Israel because its Air Force has been expected to launch aerial attacks against the nuclear facilities has it did against Syria and Iraq. Israel is likely trying to sabotage Iran's nuclear facilities as Iran has vowed to destroy Israel. This does not mean Israel is responsible, just that it is among the main suspects. The United States, Britain, Germany, China, and India all have the capability. The Germans also have the advantage of having access to Siemens which is a German company and whose system is the one, which has been attacked in the Iranian nuclear facilities. Whoever is behind the attack, its appearance is the first public use of a cyber weapon against another nation.
UFOs and the Popular Conception of Demons?
He suggested I read his book Confrontations' where he wrote, "The medical examinations to which abduction are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of medieval tales of encounters with demons.
UFO researcher John Weldon said, "How creditable is it to think that literally thousands of genuine extraterrestrials would fly millions of light years simply to teach new age philosophy, deny Christianity, and support the occult? And why would the entities actually possess and inhabit people just like demons do if they were really advanced extraterrestrials?
Mars Nine-Mile Wide Crater
Richard Buchli D.V.M. Ph.D. writes, "This is a nine"mile wide crater on Mars.
Mars probably lost much of its atmosphere due impacts by asteroids. Mars has more than 20 ancient craters larger than 600 miles across.
Sightings in the United States
Arizona Red Light
When I went outside I seen an object, a light in the sky, NW of my address and I then ran to get my camera and I captured this very brief Video. I was rushing to find the night application for the Sony camera when I found this Video....
We spent about an hour in the park taking photos, and as we were about to leave, I noticed that the whitish trail had not changed at all, and it was still there. We could not explain what it could be, and I took some photos to have some expert identify it. I have enlarged one of the photos, and I am enclosing it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Video of UFO
N Hollywood -- Luminous Daytime UFO video captures morphing object on October 2, 2010.
The photographer states, "While I was filming this, I was also thinking how much you would love this one.
"You do not understand how fun this one was.
It had a red orb, shoots right by it, and then stops in one spot in the sky...
If I had a better camera, everyone would have seen this up close and personal.
Florida Photo
Georgia Large Black "Triangle"
Cumberland Island -- On August 16, 2010, 11 PM, I was camping with two friends on Cumberland Island National Seashore in Georgia when my friend and I decided to walk on the beach late at night since my other friend went to sleep.
The beach was almost absolutely dark due to the lack of artificial light on the island. However, while walking along the empty beach with my friend, passing overhead I noticed a black aircraft, which bore no resemblance to any aircraft I had ever seen before.
The object was a rather large black "triangle" with lights fixed to each "point" along with another light in the center. Myself being a skeptic I tried to rule out what the craft could be. It did not look like any aircraft I have ever seen and was silent. The aircraft was headed due south towards Jacksonville and later that night approximately 45 minutes later I saw it fly over our campsite again heading southward. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
The beach was almost absolutely dark due to the lack of artificial light on the island. However, while walking along the empty beach with my friend, passing overhead I noticed a black aircraft, which bore no resemblance to any aircraft I had ever seen before.
The object was a rather large black "triangle" with lights fixed to each "point" along with another light in the center. Myself being a skeptic I tried to rule out what the craft could be. It did not look like any aircraft I have ever seen and was silent. The aircraft was headed due south towards Jacksonville and later that night approximately 45 minutes later I saw it fly over our campsite again heading southward. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Illinois Triangle
Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Nikon DX 18-135mm
Exposure: 1/160 sec @ f16 ISO 200
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Black Disk Video
The video is good and clear and the UFO appears as a black circle while other aircraft can be seen. I went home and watched the video using Magix movie edit 15. I caught a round black dot in frame-by-frame motion and it stayed in synchronization with the sky. I caught it again on the second pass with my control plane. I also noticed a military helicopter flying around.
Now after I landed the plane I went home to view the video and that is when I dismissed the dots as debris. I was looking for my other downed RC airplane not UFOs. I took a screenshot of what I thought was my plane, printed it and went back out to the field to find it. No, I did not find it.
Note: I agree with the witness's assessment of the video. The slow motion footage clearly shows the circular object. The video is interesting. The only known explanation I can think of is a dark balloon floating in proximity. There is the possibility of video editing, but the object appearance is too brief for it to be a typical hoax. It has definitely not zoomed in dark pixel(s). It is a hoax, a dark balloon, or a genuine UFO. William Puckett, Director
Note: I agree with the witness's assessment of the video. The slow motion footage clearly shows the circular object. The video is interesting. The only known explanation I can think of is a dark balloon floating in proximity. There is the possibility of video editing, but the object appearance is too brief for it to be a typical hoax. It has definitely not zoomed in dark pixel(s). It is a hoax, a dark balloon, or a genuine UFO. William Puckett, Director
Massachusetts Lights
Ohio Video
FOSTORIA -- George Ritter captured this object on VHS video tape above a farmhouse next to where he lives.
Oregon Wobbling Disc
Portland -- On September 11, 2010, I noticed some movement and saw very clearly an airborne object gliding slowly north. It remained at a consistent speed slower than an airplane at a consistent altitude. It spun slowly losing momentum as the center of this solid metal disc stayed stationary while the outer rim dipped methodically as it traveled. I saw every detail on every side of the object. The top of the disc was convex, smooth, and featureless. The bottom side was the same except for six smooth bulges, or warts, evenly spaced protruding in a circle near the outer edge of the disc.
The object made no noise as it moved overhead and traveled north over the I-405 Bridge and finally disappeared. The entire sighting lasted about eight minutes and filled me with awe and excitement. I was left with a warm afterglow of energy and optimism. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Diamond
Conshohocken -- On September 26, 2010, I was driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike around 10:15 pm, and noticed an unusual craft smoothly and quietly gliding across the sky in front of my car. It was an elongated dark grey diamond. The longer tips were pointing towards the front and rear of the craft. At the rear under belly of the craft were three large lights in a triangle. At the front of the craft were smaller lights. The craft gracefully flew across the turnpike in front of me and flew behind me as I continued driving.
One thing I noticed was that the back right light was abruptly shut off, leaving two lights at the rear. This was right before the craft descended and when I lost it and almost crashed my car trying to see it. I thought it must be some new type of military airplane. The odd triangular shape, no wings, or propellers tipped me off that this was unusual. The shorter tips of the diamond shape were pointing to the sides. I know it was definitely a UFO but I am not so sure it was extraterrestrial. Thanks to MUFON CMS.
Tennessee Lights
CHAPEL HILL -- On September 28, 2010, I was checking out the northeast sky for a visible comet when about ten seconds later I saw a light slowly appear and become bright then several seconds later dim to nothing. Then ten seconds later, it again repeated what I had seen. It did this three or four times before it disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights
The next day, at the same time, I noticed five or six egg-shaped whitish/silver objects travelling in a group. Again, I took cell phone photos, but the craft were at 15,000 feet AGL, and then later 30,000-40,000 feet AGL) that they again did not show up. I had a flight attendant that was at my house who verified that these objects were spreading out, and then joining. As they reached a higher altitude and lined up perfectly from north to south. They either were changing shape from round to oval, or were oval and simply wobbling. I am a military trained aerial observer. Their apparent separation and then re-organization flight characteristics would unlikely be balloon activity north of Houston. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington White Object
Olympia -- I was visiting a friend on September 22, 2010, at 4 PM, walking towards the downtown Shell Station when I a saw a plane followed by a white higher flying and faster object. It moved upwards, but kept at around the same spot until it disappeared. It is strange for that time of day; what could it be?
Note: I don't know what the witness saw, but it wasn't a satellite at 4 PM. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Worldwide Sightings
Australia Triangle
Mr Rewuk said, "A UFO was spotted at a nearby town show within a few hours. The NT News reported, that a bright light had travelled slowly across the sky about 6.20 pm. "The UFO that looked like a moving star spooked hundreds of people at the show grounds as the sun was starting to go down. It was going across the sky for maybe five seconds, before it disappeared." said Vicki Mulholland, of Borroloola.
KENS NOTE: Our advanced digital cameras of today are able to see what our eyes cannot see through Infrared. Many of our sightings have been by digital photos. The witness did not see the UFO when he took the photo. I am looking for people to take digital photos near their local airports. You may be amazed as to what you will find. Special thanks to UFO Casebook and NT News. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON New Jersey
Brazil Satellite UFOs
RIO GRANDE DO SUL -- On September 28, 2010, at 6:15 AM, I have the habit of viewing satellite photos on my computer. I printed a few pictures of the satellite and wanted to tell you that analyzed these spots on GOES-12 Weather Satellite (Infrared 4 Kilometer Resolution) to see if they are normal. For editing the photos, I used Photoshop and Photo Zoom Pro 3. I await your results. I have more pictures.
Note: The witness's report was difficult to read because of translation, so edits were made to clarify report. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Disc
The object resembles a grey disk if you zoom in. I truly did not see this with the naked eye. Though even in the first picture. There appears to be the same unknown moving across west with the helicopter. The camera's infrared caught the UFO.
Thanks to Paul Shishis
Chinese Airport Temporarily Closed Due to UFO
BAOTOU (BNO NEWS) -- A Chinese airport in Inner Mongolia temporarily closed on October 5, 2010, amid fears that one of the passenger planes could collide with an unidentified flying object (UFO) that was seen in the area, local media reported on Wednesday.
Ireland Arrowhead Object
Dublin -- On September 24, 2010, at 10 PM, what I saw in the sky was a craft shaped like an arrowhead at the front with wings. The front of the craft came to a sharp point like an arrow and was similar to a cursor. It was flying at space station height. It was yellow or gold colored, traveling west. It then spun around twice in a full circle in a way that no man-made craft could have done. It was a distinct craft of some type and did not orbit like the space station but appeared quite a bit bigger than the space station. The sighting only lasted a short time. It then disappeared behind the clouds. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
When it went over my roof, I followed through the house, where I could see it up close - It was long, black, and either triangular or cigar shaped. with a green light on each side, a smaller dim red light on the back, and a flashing, larger white light in the middle. It flew around in circles above my house several times for about 25 minutes.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Photos
AUCKLAND -- These continuous photos were captured on October 2, 2010, at 4:47 PM, with a shutter speed of 1/1000 of a second. You may see how the UFO object travels and emitted light in one second. This case is one of my long term UFO & alien's visitation. Thanks to MUFON CMS
I need experts to look at them. I saw it change into a blue circle with tiny red and blue lights inside the circle, which resembled a bicycle wheel. I was scared and watched it until 4/45 am when I noticed it going away from my view.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
UFO Conferences
- October 9 - Bucks County PA MUFON conference
"UFO's. . . Seeing is Believing". The Pennsylvania Mutual UFO Network will present its 3rd Annual UFO Conferences on Saturday, October 9th, 2010, from 8 a.m. -- 5 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel, 400 Oxford Valley Road, Langehorne, PA 19047; - October 16th, 2010, Youngstown PA MUFON conference Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Westmoreland County Community College, 145 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, Pa 15697. Pennsylvania leads the Nation in UFO Sightings.
- October 23 - Anne Arundel County, MD MUFON conference
- November 13 -- Bordentown, NJ Pat Marcatillio's annual UFO conference
Thanks for taking the time to discuss that, I really feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.