Nuclear Missiles Shut Down by UFOs
On September 27, 2010, six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man broke their silence at the National Press Club, all concerning unidentified flying objects and shutting down nuclear missiles. They urged the government to publicly confirm the incidents, stating that they were ordered never to discuss the events.
Robert Hastings began the National Press Club event stating, "Declassified US government documents and witness testimony from former or retired US military personnel confirm beyond any doubt the reality of on-going UFO incursions at nuclear weapons sites.
What appears to be even more serious is - no doubt remains that the United States of America has a major unacknowledged national security crisis on its hands which it refuses to address, despite the overwhelming evidence presented by Air Force personnel.
The testimony of seven former military personnel at the press conference in Washington DC stated, "UFOs have disabled dozens of nuclear missiles across the United States. There is also evidence that UFOs have appeared over nuclear installations in the former Soviet Union and the UK. Research expert Robert Hastings indicated he alone has interviewed over one hundred military personnel who have first hand knowledge of UFOs and their government refuses to divulge any details of these UFO incursions and missile shut-downs -- many feel the mainstream media have been directed to discredit these reports at all costs. .
These officers held important positions as launch commanders and top secret control officers, were entrusted by the US military with the disposition of nuclear devices that could have obliterated large cities. UFOs are also believed to have prevented nuclear explosions and accidents, destroyed radars, and downed aircraft. There have been strong indications alien intelligence aided in preventing nuclear accidents and terrorist nuclear actions. It is apparent based on the testimony that governments do not wish to reveal the extent of intrusions into the lives and affairs of people and their governments of the earth.
Captain Robert Salas (Ret.) US Air Force co-chair of the Washington event said, The UFO phenomenon is real and not imaginary, there is current excessive secrecy in our government regarding this phenomenon the tampering with nuclear weapons [by UFOs] is a national security concern. "They [the US Air Force] are deliberately withholding the facts since 1969 we are simply asking for the truth.
UFOs attacked the nuclear weapons at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, "The UFO was reported by my top-side guard. A bright red oval object hovering outside the front gate. He was very agitated, frightened, when he told me this over the phone. The reason I believe that what he told me is true is because they had no access to our missile system. They had no way to control it. And while this object was up there, my missiles shut down.
Salas, a former U.S. Air Force nuclear missile launch officer, hosted the event along with researcher Robert Hastings, author of "UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites. "I was on duty when an object came over and hovered directly over the site," Salas said, regarding the March 16, 1967, event at Malmstrom AFB in Montana. "The missiles shut down, 10 Minuteman missiles. And the same thing happened at another site a week later," he said.
The organizers of the press conference were Captain Robert Salas (Ret.) and researcher Robert Hastings. They can be reached at and respectively.
To review video of the press conference see these links:
Moon Opening for Cave
Richard Buchli D.V.M. Ph.D. writes, "I have discovered a 1400 foot wide opening on the Moon that is likely a cave.
Strange Powerful Reports
I have been receiving a string of reports stating, the Mayan calendar is ending, global warming will cause floods, our Sun is becoming more violent, the planet Niburu as predicted by Zachariah Zitchen is returning, earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear terrorism, and the unusual movement of animals indicate major trouble. For example, hundreds of penguins that have apparently starved to death are washing up on the beaches of Brazil, worrying scientists who are investigating what exactly killed them.
A worldwide catastrophic event occurred about 1628 B.C. (3630 years ago) according to the July/August 1999 issue of Discovering Archeology, page 72, that is told in the Bible. Scientists have discovered the reduced growth of trees that can be viewed by studying the narrowed rings from that time. This date allegedly coincides with major volcanic activity on Earth possibly related to Niburu's current return cycle.
If Niburu's return is real, or the various warnings of terrorism are correct there could be an increased incidence of earthquakes, floods, volcanic activity and generally massive geophysical changes on Earth. There will be resultant disturbances in weather patterns and food supplies. The world economic system could collapse, and the possibility of nuclear war by accident is very great. Terrorists could succeed in setting off nuclear weapons in our cities. There are numerous dire possibilities being predicted. I would encourage you to increase your stored food and water supplies. Think about how you could heat your homes without electricity or fossil fuels. There seems to be very powerful forces at work to harm us, we need to counter these forces.
"If my people called by my name will turn from their wicked ways and humble themselves and pray I will forgive their sins and heal their land.
II Chronicles 13
United States Sightings
California Boomerang
Connecticut Rod
Around 10 AM, it almost seemed to project itself in order to move but stayed at an angle. It appeared to be extremely large/long. Sometimes it appeared a row of balls and other times it appeared smooth, a couple of times. I witnessed it change to an orange/red color, which seemed to flow through the rod-like structure. Video footage and digital photographs were taken on a Sony Handycam with 20X optical zoom. A digital Finepix camera and a Cannon Rebel camera with a 300mm lens.
My husband also watched the "activity" around this rod-like structure but I am unsure of the nature of these quick moving objects. Some did seem to be coming out of the structure. I did upload a video to You Tube in the hopes of getting some ideas.
Illinois Plasma
St Charles -- On September 22, 2010, at 2:34 AM, the witness was awake and noticed a bright red light towards the west. The light started moving around and then moved south. It dimmed out and then reappeared. At that point it started exhibiting strobe lights. The light moved south and the witness lost sight of the light over the trees. The witness had similar sightings on September 11 and 13, 2010. Listen to Witness Report (MP3)
Note: A check was made of bright planets in the position of the light and none were found. Skies were clear at the time of the sighting. In the video the light does appear to be stationary, but is not a reflection from the street light. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Iowa White/Silver Orbs
Winterset -- On September 24, 2010, at about 2 PM, I was pumping gas and saw three white/silver orbs flying in formation southwest. I went inside to get my two friends and we all saw them for about a minute. The three orbs were followed by a pair in formation. They might have been the size of a beach ball 400 yards away or 30 feet across a mile away. I am 54 years old and have never seen anything like it.
Note: Several reports have been received of similar orbs during the past few months. A check of winds aloft up to 10,000 feet shows that winds were from a west-northwest at speeds from 20 to 40 knots. The objects were observed moving southwest eliminating balloons or any flotation device as an explanation for this sighting. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Kansas Flares
Salina -- Evadne Tuxhorn writes, "I saw another UFO out over the old bomb range SW of Salina, again just on September 10, 2010. two weeks ago! They are usually the big orange balls of light that just hang there for long periods of time. The Air Force says. "They are 'flares' - Yeah, right! Like I haven't been living near military bases for over 50 years...I know what a flare looks like and I also know what every military air craft looks and sounds like and what kind of lights it carries! Thanks to Evadne Tuxhorn
Michigan Red Lights
Cadillac -- On September 22, 2010, for a few weeks now, usually on Tuesdays and Wednesdays my family and neighbors have seen these very bright orange and red and sometimes white lights. They come about five minutes a part in groups of two or three. They are completely silent, and move in unusual patterns which leads me to believe it's not a typical aircraft. They can make paths and turns at swift 90 degree angles, and other patterns and movements that normal aircraft can't perform.
Myself and friends on July 5th, I saw lights on the Detroit River`in Trenton, during the fireworks. These lights traveled right above us. My Dad saw the lights. They have now become almost weekly phenomena. The lights appear to be coming up from around Taylor or Romulous. If I could cover the round-to-triangle shaped lights with an object, they would probably be skittle sized or aspirin sized.
Tonight's lights were surprisingly very bright, a deep fiery red while last weeks were more of a fiery orange. They appear almost weekly between 9:30 and 11:30 PM, they have strange flight patterns and disappear slowly, and are a fiery orange and red, sometimes white. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Myself and friends on July 5th, I saw lights on the Detroit River`in Trenton, during the fireworks. These lights traveled right above us. My Dad saw the lights. They have now become almost weekly phenomena. The lights appear to be coming up from around Taylor or Romulous. If I could cover the round-to-triangle shaped lights with an object, they would probably be skittle sized or aspirin sized.
Tonight's lights were surprisingly very bright, a deep fiery red while last weeks were more of a fiery orange. They appear almost weekly between 9:30 and 11:30 PM, they have strange flight patterns and disappear slowly, and are a fiery orange and red, sometimes white. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mississippi Game Camera
Two years ago both my wife and I saw a ufo while we were sitting in our swimming in the same area. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey UFO's in "Dog Fight" Unidentified Flying Man
Fair Lawn -- On August 20, 2010, I posted a sighting earlier but now have a better perspective of what my Mother, my skeptic friend and I saw. My friend is convinced there must be a reasonable, logical explanation for what happened. My Mother and I noted it was shortly after 8 PM, that we saw something utterly incredible that lasted well over an hour. Initially I had gone outside and noticed a faint light that seemed to streak across the sky. As an avid sky watcher what ever we saw has nothing to do with planes. All of a sudden multiple lights began to appear and reappear all over the western sky above the tree line. There were six to twelve separate lights that I had never seen before. In contrast to planes, the objects were moving at incredible speeds, thousands of miles per hour in many different directions. I mean right angles, reversing direction "on a dime", vertically, horizontally, etc. I would describe their movements; as if in a dogfight seemingly interacting with each other at times. This activity lasted for over an hour. Truly a once in a lifetime experience. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Egg Harbor Township -- Three of us saw an unidentified flying man fall from sky and disappear without a parachute, or para-glider. You could see his arms and legs flailing and his clothes were a dark blue. Off in the distance, we saw a tan single engine plane that soon disappeared. We don't know if he came out of that plane, we don't know if he fell out a wheel well, we don't know. There is no doubt it was a person; we are 100% sure. The man has not yet been found as of September 25, 2010. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Disc
I witnessed a very large dark ship on I mean this thing was so BIG that I was in awe. It was larger than the nearby football field. I tried to get pictures and ended up getting just the lights on the ship. Keep in mind, I had no previous knowledge of UFOs.
This is my awakening as I actually felt someone observing me. I have documented pictures and video proof that aliens are real. I figure they wanted me to see them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Carolina Diamond
LYMAN -- On September 24, 2010, this diamond shaped object was observed at 9 PM,.
(This is a sketch made by the witness)
Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Pennsylvania Orange Flame
Shortly after it turned a neighboring camper came running over asking if we had seen it. A neighbor camper took the attached picture using his Blackberry. It did not have a V shape like this to the naked eye. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights
My experience as a retired Army helicopter mechanic and weapons tech makes me feel that this is a drone. When my son said the UFO was zigzagging coming down from the sky the night before reminded me how the old line-of-sight, wire guided TOW missiles would zigzag along its sighted path to its target. This UFO looks and feels' like it is on a pre-calculated flight path using the earth magnetic fields as way-points. It also reminds me of how we' would send spaceship or probes to other planets to map the terrain. It is either mapping the terrain or it is looking for wreckage. Thanks to MUFON CMS
GARLAND -- On September 23, 2010, I was at work 8:05 AM, and noticed that commercial flights from DFW and Love Field were being diverted to the north around the heavy cloud bank. I saw a Southwest airlines plane going Northeast and saw an American Airlines going South toward Love Field Both planes were around 2500 to 3000 feet AGL generated broken contrails due to the fairly cool air and high humidity.
Through a break in the clouds I observed a gray "cigar/cylindrical" shaped vehicle flying northwest with no lighting. It had no wings, or tail surfaces, and appeared to be about 2 to 3 times longer than the Southwest Boeing 737-400. Both of the commercial airliners were moving through the broken cloud layer and the other vehicle was at 5000 feet AGL. It didn't create any contrail at all. The vehicle I saw was long and thin, similar to the shape of a stretched medicine capsule. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Disc
VIRGINIA BEACH -- On September 11, 2010, moon on left, with strange object or the right. Circle is gone in subsequent photo. Thanks to Dean
Washington Triangle
ABERDEEN -- On September 22, 2010, my friend and I were driving home from the store around 9:30 PM,, when my friend joking said "Hey look, a UFO!" while pointing at what looked like a plane in the sky. My response was "No, it's just a plane." Then we argued about its shape and size and lights. Until I was mostly convinced that it wasn't a plane. It was in a triangle formation. Most planes have the two flashing lights on their wings. This had three white lights at its tips and a red light in the center. It was moving very slowly and silently and also very low. We watched as it flew over us and went away from view. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Note: The witness is also referring to a photo that he took at the same location on September 9, 2008. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
MT ADAMS -- On August 13, 2010, an ultra dimensional object was video taped at James Gilliland ranch that is famous for his contactee experience and multiple UFO sightings.
James feels contact has begun with extra terrestrials.
For the full interview go to
Worldwide Sightings
Australia Star like Light
Sydney, Darling Harbour -- On August 1, 2010, at 12:30 AM, I was talking with a friend who was smoking outside Cypress Bar when I noticed an object that looked like a star travelling diagonally towards the northeast. I pointed it out to my friend who immediately acknowledged it was unusual. It continued for a few seconds then stopped on the spot, flew upwards and then started moving west. About a second later the light faded and it was gone. Thanks to
Brazil Strange Lights!
Ceara -- During the month of September, Ceara State was the scene of constant sightings of strange lights in the sky, leaving authorities baffled and terrified residents. Some people even avoid going out at night. Apparently, the city of Sobral , 230 km from the capital, Fortaleza , was the central target of the sightings.
According to the researcher Jander Magalhes, of the Ufologic Research Centre Sobralense (CSPU), "This may be considered as some of the most important UFO activity in Cear, and is unique for the large number of sightings and witnesses.
Three cases drew the attention of ufologists. The first, a motorcyclist with his wife and daughter was chased by a bright light in the district of Bonfim. In another, a handicapped was attacked and burned by a very strong light, on September 4th. Mrs. Tereza Prado, who told the broadcaster Geovani Romo that she had witnessed an alien (type gray) in her backyard. The reports are being investigated by CSPU and will soon be published in the Revista UFO
Canada Cylinder
MONCTON -- My husband and I were riding on our Harley making our way back home when I noticed an object above us on June 11, 2010. It stayed with us as we drove almost hovering, so I pointed it out to my husband and he gave me a thumbs up. I watched it, and realized that it didn't have a tail section, or wings and was orange in color. I couldn't see the wings, but where was the tail? I looked to my left to see if the sun was above the tree line which would explain why the object was orange) or below the tree line, then I looked to my right and the object had vanished. I scanned the sky around us and it was gone.
The sun was above the tree line. This was the 4th daytime sighting I have had. We feel fortunate for all the "shows". Thanks to MUFON CMS
China's Third Airport Shut down due to UFO and Photos
The whole incident lasted about 40 minutes. The object in the photo was a sphere with two flickering columns on its two sides. The two photographers kept following it and shooting pictures, and were able to take many clear images of the objects. The object kept appearing and disappearing in the sky from time to time and its position and flying trajectory also kept changing. When some tourists passing by were looking at the pictures taken by the students and comparing them with the sky, they were also surprised.
The two students took about 200 pictures of the UFO. For a period, the object disappeared in their camera lens, but at nearly midnight, it appeared again when one of the students adjusted the time of exposure to 20 seconds and pressed the shutter. However, this time, the columns on its two sides reversed and the object had also moved to a position above the moon. The two students, named Gu Peiwen and Sun Jiali, were admitted to the Department of Photography of the Harbin Normal University's School of Communication in 2008.
As a result, traffic was halted at Baotou Airport between 9:14 and 10 p.m. Three inbound flights from Beijing and Shanghai were instructed to circle the airport awaiting clearance to land and two flights (Air China Flight 1107 from Beijing and Juneyao Airlines Flight 1137 from Shanghai) were rerouted to other airports.
"Baotou Airport received a notice from the Hohhot Air Traffic Management Bureau about the appearance of a UFO. To guarantee security, the aircraft heading for the airport had to land at secondary airports. Otherwise, it may have led to collisions," said a Baotou Airport spokeswoman.
Once again, the official mouthpiece of the Communist Party of China is using the term "UFO" without apology. Translators responsible for preparing the English language version of the newspaper's site can't be unaware of the term's implications in the west. It's difficult to imagine newspapers of record in the United States dealing as straightforwardly with the topic and as comfortably with the term as People's Daily does. Read more:
Korea Disc Photo
Hi Major Filer, ufo researcher, "I am very pleased to meet you. My name is Zio Kim and I am a Korean Ufo Researcher. I have witnessed UFOs three times.
On September 4, 1995, this ufo photo was taken by Munwha Daily Newspaper Reporter SunKyuKim in Gapyeong Seolgok-rie, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. It's Amazing!
Thanks to Zio Kim from South Korea
VICTORIA -- A UFO video (see below) that was filmed in April of this year and has just come to light has provided dramatic proof that indeed representatives of alien civilizations are visiting Earth. The video which shows what has previously been referred to by some UFO researchers as an 'octopus UFO' was taken in the UFO mega hot-spot state Tamaulipas.
At least fifty UFO sightings are reported in this state a year and Latin American UFO expert Ana Luisa Cid has written extensively on the history of sightings of UFOs and aliens in Tamaulipas.
Many researchers are convinced that an alien UFO base lies in this area. This latest incredible footage of an 'Octopus UFO' from Brazil adds weight to that theory. Thanks to Michael Cohen
New Zealand Photo
This case is one of my long term UFO & alien's visitation, more details from: *(Link moved to Additional Evidence section below--CMS/sg).
Poland Light
Drohiczyn -- My name is Krzysiek Odorczuk from Poland. I live in small city, and two years ago I have made strangely photo. I searched some institute or people who tell me what is in the photo I can send you this picture, but do you can help me?
The first photo is DSC02472 shows the light, and the next DSC02473 the light is gone
Portugal, Airline Captain Spots UFO
"The center band looked like it had some kind of a grid, and possibly a few lights, but it was hard to tell since the sun was so bright and was reflected. The object circled his airplane for 15 minutes while he was alone in the sky, in his DHC-1 ChiPM,unk. He made this drawing the day after the encounter and submitted it with his report to the Portuguese Air Force.
(Jlio Guerra, CNIFO Case Report)
Guerra states that the object "flew at a fantastic speed in a large elliptical orbit to the left, between 5,000 feet to the South and approximately 10,000 feet to the North, always from left to right, repeating this route over and over. I tried to keep it in sight.
Two fellow Air Force officers, Carlos Garcs and Antnio Gomes, flew to the location, and they too watched the object repeat its elliptical course, passing between the two planes on each return, for about 10 minutes. They were able to estimate the size, given its proximity to the two aircraft: about eight to 10 feet.
After landing, all three pilots filed detailed, independent written reports with the Air Force. General Jos Lemos Ferreira, the Portuguese Air Force Chief of Staff at the time, authorized the release of all the records to a team of scientists and experts, which conducted a lengthy scientific investigation. The group estimated that the unidentified object was flying at over 300 MPH vertically and its velocity when it circled Guerra's aircraft was about 1550 MPH.
Since leaving the Air Force in 1990 after 18 years of service, Jlio Guerra has been a Captain with Portuglia Airlines (TAP), Portugal's largest commercial airline. He has 17,000 hours of flight experience, and in 2009 he received an aeronautic science degree from the Lusofona University of Oporto. Special thanks to UFO Casebook and the Huffington Post. Ken Pfeifer MUFON New Jersey,
UK/England Northwest Sightings Increase
Sarah Newstead reports, "UFO activity over Cumbria is said to be heating up once again with reports of strange lights and mysterious objects in the sky over the county's coastline.According to the North West UFO Research (NWUR)research organization into UFOs. It believes the recent mysterious lights could be a warning that an earthquake is about to hit the region. Helen Dunion, of Flimby, spotted two strange orange lights moving too fast to be Chinese Lanterns and it seemed as if they were only two to three seconds apart.
Maryport resident Jeff Bell also spotted lights and a round object out at sea near Maryport on the evening of September 7. He said: -- I saw a solid-looking spherical object which was a graphite colour with no lighting at all. "The object moved quite quickly at first across the sky. I was surprised when it passed below the visible line of the windfarm and seemed to carry on down until it landed in the water, added Mr Bell. He said it remained there for more than 30 minutes until it grew too dark to see. Mr Bell added: "Another couple walking their dogs on the promenade confirmed seeing the same thing.
North West UFO Research claims it was inundated with an unusually high volume of UFO reports in Cumbria during early 2009. Last April, a 3.7 magnitude tremor struck the county. Pat Regan, who is the Lancashire-based founder of the NWUR, said: "Not wishing to create any alarm, but the last time Cumbria had many UFO sightings we later had an earthquake in the region. "One theory posed by experts is that such phenomena occur when rock structures under great stress release gas. "At such times electromagnetic waves with radioactive gasses escape and ionise the air, which in turn create odd lights.
Carlisle -- I saw a silver sphere over the centre of Carlisle. on 24 September 2010. It was silver no wings no engine noise it seem to hesitate the shot off. Some sightings have indeed turned out to be lanterns. However, North West UFO Research have also recorded accounts in which suspected lanterns have kept pace with fast cars on windless nights and some that have flown against strong coastal winds. These were clearly NOT lanterns. Posted by George 61
We Are Not Alone
Tuesday, October 5, 2010. 1:00 PM, (EST) Former astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, will guest on this episode of We Are Not Alone. Listen in when this well-respected American hero recounts being told by eyewitnesses that Roswell was a real UFO incident and we have been visited for perhaps centuries.
Listen live at or hear it (plus all of the archived shows) at
Former astronaut and moon-walker Edgar Mitchella veteran of NASA's Apollo 14 mission in 1971has claimed that aliens do exist and they have visited Earth on several occasions, but the contact has been repeatedly covered up by governments for six decades. Mitchell, 77, said during a July 23 interview (available on YouTube) with Nick Margerrison on Kerrang! Radio in England, that sources at the space agency who had contact with aliens described the beings as "little people who look strange to us. He also claimed our technology is "not nearly as sophisticated as theirs and "had they been hostile, he warned, "we would be been gone by now. "It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it.Brisbane (Australia) Courier-Mail, July 24.
UFO Conferences
- October 2 - Smith Mountain Lake conference, VA MUFON conference
- October 9 - Bucks County PA MUFON conference
"UFO's. . . Seeing is Believing". The Pennsylvania Mutual UFO Network will present its 3rd Annual UFO Conferences on Saturday, October 9th, 2010, from 8 a.m. -- 5 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel, 400 Oxford Valley Road, Langehorne, PA 19047; - October 16th, 2010, Youngstown PA MUFON conference Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Westmoreland County Community College, 145 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, Pa 15697. Pennsylvania leads the Nation in UFO Sightings.
- October 23 - Anne Arundel County, MD MUFON conference
- November 13 -- Bordentown, NJ Pat Marcatillio's annual UFO conference
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