Thursday, July 29, 2010

Nibiru and NASA's search for Nemesis & The Vaticans LUCIFER telescope!

So ... the truth is out now that NASA is infact looking for a destroyer planet like the rumoured Nibiru and there is serious research underway to prove or disprove its existence. NASA code named the rumoured dark object "Nemesis" and they are hoping to disprove it with their new WISE telescope.  They are also looking at this with a ground based telescope called Lucifer (a telescope & surprising colloboration between NASA and it's owner - the Vatican ) . Some believe that Nemesis is a hypothetical brown dwarf orbiting the Sun and that nibiru is infact orbiting Nemesis... Yes it sounds like Sci-fi but NASA is taking this seriously.

It is  puzzeling name that the Vatican would call their own telescope LUCIFER.. which in christian terms meant "Prince of Darkness" .. yet when you consider the objective of the telescope it all comes together - You see NASA considers "nemesis" to be a 'Death Star' or an undetected dark object that may pose a threat to earth . Once again the Vatican's connection with all of this only raises further conspiracy questions..
So to start you off here is a little further information on LUCIFER and then below is an interesting update on the NASA's official search for 'Nemesis'.

A new instrument with an evil-sounding name is helping scientists see how stars are born. Lucifer, which stands for (deep breath) "Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research," is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona...

A dark object may be lurking near our solar system, occasionally kicking comets in our direction.

Nicknamed “Nemesis” or “The Death Star,” this undetected object could be a red or brown dwarf star, or an even darker presence several times the mass of Jupiter.

Why do scientists think something could be hidden beyond the edge of our solar system? Originally, Nemesis was suggested as a way to explain a cycle of mass extinctions on Earth.

The paleontologists David Raup and Jack Sepkoski claim that, over the last 250 million years, life on Earth has faced extinction in a 26-million-year cycle. Astronomers proposed comet impacts as a possible cause for these catastrophes.

Our solar system is surrounded by a vast collection of icy bodies called the Oort Cloud. If our Sun were part of a binary system in which two gravitationally-bound stars orbit a common center of mass, this interaction could disturb the Oort Cloud on a periodic basis, sending comets whizzing towards us.

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