Wednesday, December 26, 2012

BREAKING! Celebrity Tila Tequila Exposes the Illuminati


Here is Tila’s first blog about the Illuminati:

“Hello Dear Ones,

Now, before you start bashing me for thinking that I am “HATING” on Lady GaGa, let me please tell you first that I am not, nor is this post about that. I just wanted to bring light to something that I have known for a VERY long time. Maybe some of you remember me going on about an hour tweeting about these “secrets” that I know of, a long time ago on my old Twitter account. A lot of people knew what I was talking about and was in awe or shocked that I knew so much about it. Other’s who don’t know much about it just thought I was talking “crazy” and “nonsense.” However I feel as though it is my duty to start bringing to light the truth behind what is going on in our world today. So unless you have an open mind, then I digress for you to not continue reading my post. However if you indeed DO have an open mind, or know of these “HINTS” I am dropping to you, then please continue reading. Just letting you guys know, that I will start posting more and more about this, in bits and pieces, as I don’t want to come out and straight up say the whole thing. But if you follow my posts about this, you shall understand my subliminal message that I want to send you, so you can understand what is happening to you and what “THEY” are doing to you.

Ok first of all, do you guys notice how lately, music video’s have a VERY DARK AND SATANIC vibe to them?? For instance a few years ago, pop music video’s were fun, sexy, cute etc. Sorta like when Britney Spears was at the peak of her career and had fresh pop music video’s like “Stronger” or “I’m a Slave For You” “Don’t Let Me Be the Last to Know” etc. You get my point. Compare music video’s from back then until just now. VERY RECENTLY in the past few years. ESPECIALLY once Lady GaGa stepped on the scene, all the music video’s has turned very DARK & SATANIC! I am not joking.

Even Beyonce is now in on it. I don’t want to tell you all of what I know, RIGHT NOW, because “THEY” are watching. As a matter of fact, I had a HUGE battle with “THE OTHERS” for a long time and I must admit, they are powerful. But there needs to be someone, anyone, to stand up against them and for our world to be restored back into peace and harmony once again.

Hmmm… How can I put this. Well, all of Lady Gaga’s Video, even Beyonce’s new video, and XTINA, Miley Cyrus. They all are all of a sudden very DARK & SATANIC! There are TONS of hidden messages in the video and symbols that prove that they worship satan. Please don’t take this as a joke. It is not and it is serious. The Government even now has a way to send out frequencies on your TV that you cannot hear, yet it highly affects your brain and mixed in with all the visuals from the music video’s, you become hypnotized without you even realizing this. That sounds crazy right? Well it is true. I have been studying about this for the past 7 years now and kept quiet about it for a long time, except when I chat with other groups of people I know that also know about “THE OTHERS” if I told you the ENTIRE THING, it will really blow your mind away, but I feel it is SO IMPORTANT for people to know what is happening to them.

This all leads to the urgency of what the Government knows about the 2012 theory of the World Ending. It’s not exactly what you think. There is a lot more to it, I wish I could tell you, but like I said, I will post more blogs to hint to you little by little of what I know and who I have come in contact with to find out even MORE stuff about this. There has been something going on that set off the “RED ALERT” “URGENCY” signal, so that’s why all the pop music video’s are becoming more and more satanic and the artists involved are joined in with “THE OTHERS” so they know what they are doing. Have you guys heard the term “SELL YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL” and you get whatever you want? Well that’s actually true, however the “DEVIL” is real. Rihana, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, XTINA, Miley Cyrus, and yes even Taylor Swift amongst hundreds of others who are apart of this allegiance. It’s all “HUSH HUSH” but I know about it, and I know maybe some of you guys know about it as well. I won’t say it, like I did on my Twitter back then, cuz when I did, all of a sudden Twitter blocked my tweets so no one could see them, and Myspace was also blocking all of my bulletins about this stuff. CRAZY right?

Anyway, the reason behind them doing this with the urgency of the music video’s is because they NEED to turn your brain to mush, so that you just become a vegetable, a robot, a zombie, under their command and not realize it. Have you guys seen the the movie “EYES WIDE SHUT?” well it is VERY SIMILAR TO THAT as well as the movie “DEVIL’s ADVOCATE” I’m telling you, this goes way far and beyond just “ENTERTAINMENT” there’s a lot of fucked up shit going on right now behind the scenes, and conspiracy theories and leading up to the world ending. You would be SHOCKED if I told you which celebrities has the same bloodline as the “DEVIL” God I wish I could tell you more. But for now, i will stop and continue another time.

Just keep in mind next time you see all of these music video’s, if you watch it too much, you too, will be infected and become a zombie, a slave to the GOVERNMENT, without you even realizing it. As for Lady GaGa, she has the MOST SATANIC MESSAGES in her video’s. They used her and use her “MUSIC” and say it’s “ART” but really, its to mindfuck you. Like her new “Alajandro” music video. My god, I couldn’t even BEGIN to point out SO MANY SYMBOLIC SIGNS OF DEVIL WORSHIPPING AND SYMBOLS THAT LINK BACK TO THE “OTHERS”.

I for one, was sent on earth from GOD. To be one of his ANGELS to try to help this world that is half light, and half dark. There is right now a crucial War between good and bad. I am on the GOOD side, and that is why they are always trying to get me. Anyway, there’s more I have to tell you about the frequencies they are sending out via your TV, your cellphones and many more that sends radio waves into your brain to start turning you all into zombies and enslaved under “THE OTHERS”

Now I was hesitant to write this blog as I know they are forever watching and are very POWERFUL. But I feel as a HUMAN BEING, people have a RIGHT to know what is happening to them and I am here, God sent me here, to fight this War against the Darkness and these people who practice Satanic Rituals, that is now being shown on our TV for even CHILDREN to watch! I mean, Lady GaGa hung herself at one of the music video awards with blood dripping everywhere! Now on her new “ALEJANDRO” cover there is a devil-like man carrying her naked, lifeless body, with a HUGE SLIT on the side of her and blood. Yet people think that’s ok just because it’s “ART?” no.

Ok well if you guys are interested, i will tell you more. This is just the first level, i can take you deep, deep, deep into this and teach you so much more about the crazy mad shit that has been going on, and who is in alliance with who. You would be SHOCKED to know. But just know, they “THEY” have been lying to you guys for a VERY LONG TIME!

I gotta go now, don’t wanna cause too much commotion about this before they come and do me wrong again. I will tell you one day how they did me wrong because I knew stuff about them. MAJOR stuff about them and once they found out that I knew, the did some fucked up shit. They own the majority of the media. They can do and say whatever they want, Anyway, enough for now….

As for my fans/haters, who don’t understand what I’m talking about, please disregard this post. But for the people who DO KNOW what I’m speaking of, I will continue to write more blogs like this one but each blog I will leave more and more subliminal messages so that you know more of what I know……

Scary shit,
Forever Yours,
Miss Tila, Angel of GOD.”

Tila Exposing the Illuminati and NWO on Twitter:

1. “If you protest against the GOV…theyll put you in jail and charge you for being Anti-American, when really, you had the right to.”
2. “One World Order isn’t too far away folks. Everything happening now is part of the big plan. They’re gonna start putting micro-chips in you.”
3. “The last president spent 12 billion dollars a MONTH of OUR TAX DOLLARS to fight a war. That money coulda saved our whole country instead.”
4. “And people have actually forgotten that in the Amendment, THE PEOPLE, have power to overturn the GOV, to which they are about to scrap that.”
5. “They also like to instill “FEAR” into the country, because the more “FEAR” you are in, the more likely they can control you with more laws.”
6. “They put in you jail for not payin taxes because they KNOW that u don’t know the truth and wont be able to afford a lawyer to defend u.”
7. “Trust me, paying taxes is not IN THE LAW! People just abide to it cuz they think it’s the law. But there are NO documents stating its a law!”
8. “oh and dont let me tell u about TAXES! Did you know that it is NOT a law that you HAVE TO PAY TAXES? Wow..hold up..droppin 2 much knowledge.”
9. “Just like the Electric Car that was invented. It runs faster than most cars, no gas needed, quiet, but GOV. axed it cuz gas no longer needed.”
10. “U wanna know more truth? Some form of electric free generator had enough power to light up an entire city. They Axed it cuz it would be free.”
11. “The GOV. and PRES is actually NOT highest rank. It is the people in the FEDERAL RESERVE. They run everything. The Masons. Ok im really dead.”
12. “Did you know that the “internet” was actually invented centuries ago? But only the GOV. had use of it until they decided to go public.”
13. “Y do u think CNN and news stations covered Paris Hilton goin 2 jail? they were tryin 2 distract country from bein angry at BUSH 4 goin 2 war.”
14. “And don’t let me get started on CHURCH GROUPS and RELIGION….another Government conspiracy connected to the Federal Reserve. Ok im dead.”
15. “I can’t stand ignorant people…but it’s not their fault cuz school systems SUCK anyway. They haven’t updated textbooks from the 50s!!!!!”
16. “They also have a cure for AIDS and CANCER, but if they put out the cure, BILLIONS of dollars will be lost in the pharmaceutical industry.”
17. “Oh and dont let me get started on our “shitty economy” and how that is slightly part of the plan…..I’ll stop now before I get in trouble.”
18. “John Lennon, Marilyn Monroe, JFK, Martin Luther King, Malcom X just to name a few…influential or knew the truth. Killed by Government.”
19. “Sooooo I’m just gonna stick to this “fun-loving carefree and harmless, non-activist, non-extremist” type person and keept it simple. =)”
20. “Or even worse…..they would Kill me. Yes….the GOV would find a way to KILL me, if my voice becomes too powerful in unveiling the truth.”
21. “I wish I could tell you more about the stuff I know….but I guarantee you, someway, somehow, the Gov. will delete or block my blogs 4 truth.”
22. “A lot of U sound surprised that I know a lot about this stuff. This is the other side of Tila that I dont share w/the world. The SMART side.”
23. “Although I DO have a very strange feeling that secretly, the Government is already doing that on a subtle level. Its all fucked up!”
24. “Let’s PRAY they dont start doing that in AMERICA! Imagine doin a google search for something and nothing comes up but butterflies N unicorns.”
25. “China is a Communist Country! IT IS A SCARY PLACE TO BE LIVING UNDER COMMUNISM! It’s fucked up! People dont have freedom to do anything!”
26. “Like did you guys know that they BANNED me in CHINA??? They blocked my myspace page and people cant search for me online! Scary huh? LOL”
27. “But dont ya’ll think it’s scary that people can control what you think is the “TRUTH?” It’s scary to have censorship. They hide the truth!”
28. “Ohhhh but I knew it would get deleted so I took a screenshot of it! I’m gonna post it now…BRB!!!!!!”
29. “I just think it’s NOT LEGIT….it’s almost like PROPAGANDA! It’s fucked up! U think u have freedom but theres always someone controlling you.”
30. “It’s crazy what people who control powerful websites can do! Like during the presidential campaign, myspace blocked all my bulletins to vote.”
31. “Like when Perez begged them 2 take down the #unfollowperez trend and it got taken down…if that’s the case. I dont think trending is legit.”
32. “That’s really scary to know that people who run big websites like this can control what goes on trend and what they can take down.”


Both Alex Jones and Larry King cancelled interviews with celebrity actress Tila Tequila…. why?
Larry King? Well that’s a no brainer, he’s probably ‘swinging with the reptoids”…Alex Jones though? A bit surprising.

Twitter closed her account.
Facebook closed her account too

Alex Jones doesn’t like to talk about certain things (list what you come up with below)… I don’t spend endless time following him, although I do respect what he does and who he is, he does seem to be “supported” by an unseen hand.

“Prison planet” and “infowars”… while informative, hardly take us to the golden age… you can’t just keep protesting something from the same energy which the problems are created… you must offer the alternative from a higher spiritual perspective.

Perhaps there’s so much EXPLOSIVE interest in Tila, because she’s speaking truth… what she is saying about “The Others”, is rocking hollywood…. plus she believes in God and has the power of God within her…. we all do, but she realizes it.

UFO Wreckage on Google Maps China

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012

China UFO Follows Stalks Shadows Airplane from Hong Kong to Kunming City

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012

Published on Dec 21, 2012
Reported: December 14th 2012
Vague Time of Event: "Last Week"
Flight from Hong Kong to Kunming City, Southwest China
Witness Description: "Many passengers saw it and took pictures. Maybe aliens fly here to pick up earth man."

China UFO follows Airplane from Hong Kong to Kunming City
An unnamed passenger has passed on a photograph of what appears to be a UFO stalking a plane. The picture is taken from the window of a commercial passenger jet.

The disc-shaped object was captured on a flight from Hong Kong to southwest China's Kunming City last week. friend of the anonymous passenger, Larry Siu, says the picture was passed on to him and was taken by a friend, who he refused to name. No details of the exact day or which flight the passengers were on has come to light, yet...

UFO Sighting LIVE at Phoenix

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012 

This was recorded live by Phoenix TV from Pic de Bugarach on 21st December 2012.
Some New Agers believe that the mountain contains aliens living in a spacecraft and the upcoming end to the Mayan Long Count calendar will result in some form of apocalypse. They believed that on 21 December 2012, the alien supposedly living in the mountain will emerge to save them.

UFOTV® Presents : ALIEN HWY: UFOs and Area 51

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012

Published on Dec 22, 2012
Take a journey with us to go where only a few have ever gone before! To know the truth that we are not alone in the universe and that there is an extraterrestrial presence engaging the planet Earth. Meet the people who live in and around Rachiel, Nevada, the last human outpost known to man, next to the US governments most highly secret military test facility most commonly referred to as Area 51, where it is believed that the US Government is testing alien UFO technology. Hear what the locals say about Area 51 and what it's like to live at the end of the Alien Highway. A place where the night sky always holds a mystery

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Massive UFO Sightings 2012 This Week South of Santiago, Chile Real Alien UFOs Caught

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Published on Dec 18, 2012
UFO Sighting South of Santiago, Chile This Week Dec 2012 UFOs Caught On Tape

TRIANGLE UFO over EAST VANCOUVER December 8th 2012

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12/8/2012 4:30PM - "The Home Depot" - Terminal ave and Clark drive - Vancouver, British Columbia

According to the witness

I was practicing bmx freestyle in the parking lot of home depot in east Vancouver, looked up at a helicopter that was flying low over the parking lot, when I observed the helicopter (heard on the audio), I noticed 4 red lights to the south of my location. They appeared to be about 500ft in the air, made no sound, and had a flickering effect like they were on fire. I quickly grabbed my small portable digital video camera that I use for recording BMX riding, and filmed the lights until they "burned out" and faded away. I have no idea what these things were. Sorry about the language, this was my initial reaction. The other strange audio head in the background is the sound of the skytrain passing by behind me.

Massive UFO Activity - Explosions In The Sky, Santiago Chile

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Massive UFO Activity - Explosions In The Sky, Santiago Chile

Triangle UFO video Germany 18 DEC 2012

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Triangle-shaped craft was seen and recorded in the night sky above Germany on Tuesday, 18th December 2012.

Ring Shaped UFO Ankara - Turkey UFO (14-12-2012)

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Published on Dec 16, 2012
The orange colored cloud like object was hovering in the sky. At the day the footage was recorded there was no clouds in the sky and it was crystal clear throughout the all day.

The cloud like object did not disappeared as expected, it was there and steady for a very long time. Because of the night fall it just become gradually invisible after 30 minutes after the shoot, there was not enough light to see it.

UFO Triangle Formation over Chile

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012

This interesting triangle formation of unknown lights was recorded over Cordillera Province in central Chile. This was filmed in the middle of December 2012.

UFO ORB's sighting in Gilbert Arizona December 8th 2012

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This UFO sighting was seen and recorded in the night sky above Gilbert, a town in Maricopa County, Arizona. Filmed on Saturday, 8th December 2012.

UFO Files - Deep Sea UFOs Full Episode

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012

A detailed examination of the little-known phenomenon of USOs, or Unidentified Submerged Objects, an advanced type of UFO that can operate just as efficiently in water as in the atmosphere. These supposed otherworldly vessels have been reported, some believe, as far back as ancient Egypt. Others believe that USOs were reported by Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus, and might even involve the lost city of Atlantis.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Dark Skies Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Alien Abduction Moview

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012 

Dark Skies Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Keri Russell Movie HD

A thriller centered on an alien disguised as a human and a boy tagged for abduction.

"Scott Charles Stewart" "dark skies trailer" "dark skies movies" "dark skies 2013" "Dakota Goyo" "thriller movie" dcoscarelli movieclips "movie clips" movieclipstrailers "new trailers" "trailers HD" hd trailers movieclipsDOTcom "indie film" "indie film trailers" "alien invasion" felicity "new alien movie"

UFO Sighting - Baltimore MD - 11/21/2012

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Published on Nov 22, 2012 by
Filmed on a Sony HD Cybershot in bright daylight. I was unable to use the on screen monitor so much of view is out of frame. Movement was almost due south at approx 20mph. Video is just short clip of almost 16 minutes of view time. Lighting was definitely reflection from Sun, There were very wispy clouds at about 20,000 feet and object was at about this height, dropping in and out of view as obscured from clouds


Very Strange Lights..UFO?

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012

Published on Nov 25, 2012 by
On September 17, 2012 at around 9:28 PM, I just got back to the City of Maricopa, AZ from Mesa, AZ, and I had just got out of the truck when I spotted almost directly south these orange lights that sporadically flashed in the sky. I went inside the house and grab my video camera then went back outside and started video taping. During the evening the next day or during that week of the sighting of those strange lights, there was a huge column of heavy dark smoke in the same direction I saw those strange lights in the late evening time. The second time I saw this heavy column of smoke which was in the late afternoon, I went to investigate what was causing that dark column of smoke. While investigating the cause of the smoke, I discovered that there was large amounts of bales of hay that was on fire which the fire department was fighting. The fire also occurred a third time on a different day what I think was also during the same week. About two months later, I downloaded the video of those strange lights onto my computer. When I was reviewing the video, what I saw was baffling. That is also when it just occurred to me that there was a hay fire in the same direction. Did those lights create that hay fire? I have no idea if it did yet I did see in that direction those lights in the late evening. If you look closely, you will see some lights swirling towards the ground--what are those lights? I have never seen lights swirling like that while it also traverse towards the ground. Another witness said that they had seen some strange lights in that direction but from a different location, but I am not sure of the date; it may be the same date I saw those strange lights. I thought those strange lights may had been flares I seen, but now I don't known because of that swirling light.

Breaking News HUGE UFO Sighting November 30,2012

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Ufo Sighting November 29,2012,Ufo Sighting November 28,2012
Ufo Sighting November 27,2012,Breaking news,Breaking News,Breaking News,Noticias de mexico,earthquake,news,hd40307,best ufo sighting

Orb Triangle UFO in Princeton, Indiana November 26, 2012

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Orb triangle UFOs continue to appear around the world. This time in Princeton, Indiana on the night of November 26, 2012.

Daytime UFO Video in Mexico UFO OVNI 25/NOV/12

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OVNI AMIGO. 25 de Noviembre del 2012, Ciudad de Mexico. 10:44 A.M. Grabacion de este OVNI ESFERA LUMINOSO que casi a diario visita esta zona, por el Poniente de La Ciudad. el dia era brumoso y trato de ubicarlo pero en ocasiones se me pierde Gracias Adrian Calderon.

MOTHERSHIP UFO Sighting in Fort Worth TX Nov 2012 AWESOME

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This was sent to us from a new donor from Fort Worth Texas.This evidence was shot in November of 2012. Thank you for your donation

UFOs Continue to Appear in Florida November 27, 2012

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More UFO Sightings in Florida
UFOs continue to appear in Southwest Florida. Bright orbs of light, often in triangle formation, have appeared on several occasions in Cape Coral and Fort Meyers during the month of November 2012.

UFOs: The Secret Evidence - EBE Award Winner

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO News 2012 

Winner of 4 EBE Awards! Best Film, Best Historical Documentary, Best UFO Footage and The Peoples Choice Award - International UFO Congress Film Festival.

The "UFOs: The Secret Evidence" documentary presents what the world governments really know about UFOs. Includes 44 original UFO film clips from around the world, most of which have never been seen until this feature documentary was originally introduced to the general public and also includes film clips from the archives of both NASA and the U.S. Air Force. "UFOs: The Secret Evidence" features leading scientists and researchers such as Astrophysicist - Dr. Johannes Von Buttlar, Orientalist - Zecharia Sitchin, Nuclear Physicist - Robert Lazar, Researcher - Jorge Martin, and Military Officers: Lt. Col. Wendell C. Stevens, USAF, Retired, Commander Graham Bethune, Com/Sgt. Major Robert O. Dean, Danish Air Force Co. Major Hans C. Petersen, Soviet Air Force Test Pilot - Dr. Marina Popovich. This feature film also includes an investigation into the true alien abduction story of Amaury Rivera in Puerto Rico.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

4 UFOs Caught By Mars Curiosity? 2012 HD Video

4 UFOs Caught By Mars Curiosity? 2012 HD Video

Published on Aug 15, 2012 by
Four objects caught by Mars Curiosity, very difficult to make out on original image so I have used a few filters to highlight. What are these four objects? UFOs, Dust particles, or something else? As always you decide.

Monday, July 30, 2012

UFO over 2012 Olympic opening ceremony

Latest UFO Footage - Latest UFO Sightings 2012 - UFO at Olympics 2012

Published on Jul 27, 2012 by MrScipher
Was watching SKY News just after the end of the ceremony and spotted something floating from under the SKY News logo..... See what you think....... Also saw the same thing on BBC News

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Best Of UFO Sightings Of June 2012

Best of UFO Sightings June 2012

Published on Jun 26, 2012 by AnonymousFO

UFO Sightings LAPD Police Helicopter Surveys UFOs! July 12 2012

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Published on Jul 12, 2012 by thirdphaseofmoon
UFO Sightings LAPD Police Helicopter Surveys UFO? Shocking Video! Incredible Eye Witness Testimony 2012 Exclusive interview with Thirdphaseofmoon and all who were present to this Amazing Event over the Skies of L.A.! If you have caught anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype! To Watch the Entire RAW and Un-Cut Video Click Link Mitchell Lubin Footage Footage July 8, 2012!

Breaking news! UFO SIGHTING in HOLLYWOOD 7/8/2012

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Published on Jul 9, 2012 by WeDreamWeLiveWeLove
This view is from Hollywood & Highland in a penthouse. Not many people in the city have this view. Everyone else in the city either didn't have the height for the view, didn't have the angle or couldn't see whatsoever. This is REAL. These were not planes. This occurrence is reminiscent of the Phoenix lights. Make sure to watch the whole thing! If you don't want to believe in the UFO's then you can at least appreciate the view.

Waldo Canyon Fire UFO - UFO behind helicopter

Latest UFO Sightings 2012 - Latest UFO Videos 2012

Published on Jun 28, 2012 by Ko3k10
There have been way too many "sightings" in and around Colorado Springs for this to be missed by the news. If you look behind the helicopter you'll see something that I can't explain. It is NOT another helicopter in the distance (size) and is NOT an airplane (speed).

BALTIC SEA UFO ANOMALY Update 11th July 2012 (HD) (The Coverup)

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Published on Jul 11, 2012 by danielofdoriaa


Incredible GIANT UFO light on the Sun, July 22, 2012

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Published on Jul 22, 2012 by EriGIA007
Incroyable OVNI géant de lumière sur le Soleil, 22 Juillet 2012

Giant UFO Armada - Galactic Fleet - Arrival of the Sun July 23, 2012

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Published on Jul 23, 2012 by myunhauzen74

Developments in the appearance of a giant fleet of UFOs. As you can see, in the period from July 22 to July 23, 2012, the Sun was not fixed any of powerful flares. This diagram is official and available to the public. The solar system came to save. As you can see, the whole armada of UFOs comes from space and approaches the Sun. Armada of UFOs moving around the circumference of the sun! This is not a bug! This is the reality of life! NASA has ceased to give information to the public during the 14 - 45 UT.

UFO's - MULTIPLE CAPTURES! - What's going on!!! - Melbourne AU

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Published on Jul 18, 2012 by 
The last video is the best - slow object turns! - Most of these were captured in a one hour period, still going through footage.

CNN: Michio Kaku "Aliens Exist & Alien Invasion Possible" July 19, 2012

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Published on Jul 20, 2012 by 
Michio Kaku on CNN

Monday, June 18, 2012

Best Of UFO Sightings Of May 2012, Best UFO Videos May 2012

Best UFO Videos May 2012 - Best UFO Sightings May 2012

Published on May 31, 2012 by

Iv put a lot of effort into researching each case in this video, however nobody's perfect, and there are bound to be a few videos in here that have been debunked or proven fake. But I ask you, to always keep your mind open. Just because someone has told you the video is fake, or there's a video out there explaining in minute detail why it is, don't let that change your mind about it. Until there is good solid evidence out there that explains why and how the video is a fake stand by your own opinion. Don't let somebody else's opinion overshadow your own.

Awesome UFO Sighting May 20th 2012 Stouffville Ontario Canada

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Published on May 21, 2012 by
On May 20th 2012 five of us witnessed what we feel was a UFO sighting. It was definitely not an airplane, helicopter, comet, meteor, asteroid, flares, fireworks, balloon, fighter jets or anything else that I've seen before. There were no engine noises - totally silent. I have no idea what it was, but I know what it wasn't. We saw two extremely bright red lights coming from the north of where we live. They moved in unison, as if attached to something larger, they headed southwards, turned to the west, and the disappeared - just like someone dimmed the lights and then turned them off. Two minutes later it (or another set of 2 lights) appeared where the 1st set came from and did the exact same thing - fly south, then west, then just disappeared. Two additional people in our neighbourhood saw the exact same thing - in total, 6 adults & an 11 year old. This is the video of the 2nd occurrence. My camera date and time stamped it May 20th 2012 8:38pm EST. The only thing I did to the video was use a software tool to remove and smooth out the background noise. You decide for yourself what this is.

UFO(s) Near NORAD in SW Colorado Springs, CO

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings June 2012

Published on Jun 4, 2012 by
Strange Light formations in the skies near NORAD @ Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, CO. Taken on 6/4/12 around 8 pm

UFO Sightings L.A. Massive Eyewitness Accounts with Awesome UFO

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings June 2012

Published on May 20, 2012 by
The Footage You Have Been Waiting For! The UFO Event, Robert Bingham Summons UFOs Over L.A. for over 100 Eyewitnesses!

Triangle UFO Formation - Apple Valley, CA - June 4, 2012

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings June 2012

Published on Jun 6, 2012 by
MUFON Case #38886: My husband and I were standing on the porch which faces east at approximately 10.38pm on 4th June, 2012. We observed 2 orange orbs side by side. Within seconds there were 3 in the shape of a triangle. My husband ran into the house to get the video camera. The orbs changed from 2 to 3. Then another one appeared to the right of the original 3, and the first 3 disappeared. From the 2nd orb, 3 more appeared and he continued to film.

The video basically shows it all. The actual event lasted around 15 minutes, even though the video footage runs for just over 9 minutes. We did miss some of the first few minutes, and also edited out the focusing of the objects.

These objects appeared above the horizon in an easterly direction over Apple Valley, CA.

9 videos of the same UFO. Russia, Armenia, Israel, Azerbaijan and more, June 7, 2012

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012

UFO, Missile or what is this? Filmed all over Russia and the middle East, June 7, 2012.

Video 1: Astrahani

Video 2: Volgograd

Video 3: Armenia

Video 4: Astrakhan

Video 5: Bashkortostan

Video 6: Jerevan

Video 7: Astrakhan

Video 8: Astrakhan

Video 9: Volgograd

Rocket 'Topol' launched same day:

BALTIC SEA UFO Dive VIDEO Footage - Translated (SUBTITLES)

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012


Monday, May 7, 2012

UFO over London, England / May 2, 2012

Latest UFO Videos - Best UFO Sightings 2012

Published on May 2, 2012 by
These three lights flew about 5 minutes south west of London, England on 05/02/2012 / 02.05.2012. Twenty-six people have reported this celestial phenomenon. Maybe more people have seen it? Watch the close up video:

UFO Almost Crashed Plane - Filmed by Passenger - May 03, 2012

Best UFO Videos - Best UFO Sightings 2012 

Published on May 4, 2012 by
CRAZY AND SHOCKING VIDEO!!! Airplane almost crashed an UFO while landing at airport, filmed by passenger on May 03, 2012. Passengers shocked by an UFO. The UFO looks very much like another aircraft while take off, but hey, it is TOO CLOSE!!! What do you think about it? Almost accident

3 Large Spheres UFO captured Over Sydney.2. 5. 2012. Flying triangle formations.

Best UFO Videos - Best UFO Sightings 2012 

Published on May 1, 2012 by
This Spheres UFO Flying perfect Triangle formations over Sydney.Camera was using:SonyDSR-DVD 653E Digital camera" IR 850.Infra red filter .

UFO Over Los Angeles Skies

 UFO Videos - UFO Sightings 2012

Published on Apr 29, 2012 by

UFO over Hong Kong, China - May 3, 2012

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012

Published on May 3, 2012 by
British tourist from Birmingham, filmed this UFO over downtown Hong Kong, China on 05/03/2012 / 03.05.2012. During a cruise on a ship they discovered the UFO. Picture by linuts. Watch the close up video:

UFO Sightings CIA Black Ops Drone Or UFO?

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012 

Published on May 4, 2012 by
UFO Sightings CIA Black Ops Drone Or UFO? Flying Saucer Caught on VHS 1980s Footage!

Best UFO Sightings In April, 2012

BEST UFO Sightings of April 2012 - Latest UFO Videos April 2012

UFO Sightings 100% Proof UFOs Strange & Unusual Lights Stun TV Crew! April 29, 2012

UFO Sightings - UFO Videos April 2012

Published on May 1, 2012 by
On Location Downtown L.A. UFO Sightings 100% Proof UFOs Strange & Unusual Lights Stun TV Crew! April 29, 2012 Thirdphaseofmoon along with Robert Bingham "The Man Who Summons UFOs." This is the second time Robert has worked the Impossible, telepathically communicating with extraterrestrials, before dozens of eyewitnesses!

Multiple UFO's near ISS 30th April 2012 must see!

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012 

Published on Apr 30, 2012 by
3 UFO's appeared on the ISS live feed on 30th april 2012. I was up today just watching when these 3 objects appeared in quick succession. I overlaid the images, which reveal a triangle formation.

Monday, April 16, 2012

10/04/2012 UFO Sighting Tunbridge Wells, United Kingdom

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Footage 2012 

Published on Apr 10, 2012 by
UFO filmed on Tuesday 10/04/2012

Any thoughts on what these are? They were both visible in the sky around 45 seconds before I began filming; the higher one 'turned on' first; appearing abruptly with a bright glow, then shortly afterwards the lower one appeared just as the first had.

UFO Sightings Easter Day Peru Massive Mothership Very Clear Footage! April 8, 2012

Recent UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012

Published on Apr 9, 2012 by
Footage granted to Thirdphaseofmoon by Domingo Arturo from Cusco Peru! UFO Sightings Easter Day Peru Massive Mothership Very Clear Footage! April 8, 2012

Compilation(4 videos) UFO over St. Petersburg, Russia. April 9, 2012

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012

Published on Apr 9, 2012 by
April 9 , 2012: Thousands of witnesses, 4 different videos of the same object over St. Petersburg, Russia.

Terrific UFO spy Probes over Malta airport, Apr 2012

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012 

Published on Apr 10, 2012 by
We were returning from Malta to France, when filming the vicinity of the airport, I saw two white objects hovering over a Maltese house.
I immediately shot the UFOs. The two objects began to descend to the ground and disappeared!
Video analysed frame by frame, zoomed and stabilized.

Drones, unknown military aircrafts, orbs or UFOs?
Filmed by me in the Malta airport, Malta, South Europe, April 2012.

2 witnesses caught the same UFO in St Petersburg, Russia. April 9, 2012

Recent UFO Sightings - latest UFO Videos 2012

Published on Apr 9, 2012 by
The object was visible for more than one hour!UFOScandinavia ~ There is so much more...

Comeback of the UFO in St Petersburg, Russia. 2012-04-11

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 

Published on Apr 11, 2012 by
The object was visible for 10 minutes today around 10 pm.

UFOs Appear AGAIN Near St. Petersburg, Russia - April 12, 2012

UFO Sightings - UFO Footage 2012

Published on Apr 13, 2012 by
For the third time this week UFOs are sighted and caught on camera near St. Petersburg, Russia. This time over Lake Ladoga which is about 30 minutes outside of St. Petersburg. All three sighting have involved the same strange lights you see in this video. Thousands of witnesses have seen the objects and Russian media has been reporting on the story as well.

NEW UFO FOOTAGE (LATEST) 12th April 2012 - Australia

Latest UFO Videos - Recent UFO Sightings 2012

Published on Apr 11, 2012 by
Footage of UFO craft around my house in Australia (Ipswich, Qld).

These craft have seem to be observing the area for over 2 months now, tonight was the first time I actually captured footage.

UFO Sightings Pasadena California Strange and Unusual UFOs Photos and Video!

Recent UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Footage 

Published on Apr 11, 2012 by
UFO Sightings Update on the Pasadena California UFO sighting and Photos and Video! Footage granted to thirdphaseofmoon by Mark Guzman and Robert Bingham all rights reserved. If you shot anything amazing regarding UFO and Paranormal Acitivity Contact Thirpdhaseofmoon Via Skype or Twitter!

Monday, April 9, 2012

UFO Caught from Plane - Canberra Australia - April 04, 2012

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings April 2012

An unidentified flying object was caught on camera from an airplane near Canberra, Australia on April 04, 2012, filmed by passenger Thomas Roth. The UFO was flying very fast below the Aircraft. It doesn't look like a normal plane or helicopter. What do you think about it?

UFO Burns Up Over New Zealand 2012

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012

Uploaded by on Apr 2, 2012
Reports have come in of a bright light seen moving over the sky in Wellington and Christchurch. WeatherWatch says it has been inundated with reports of a spectacular meteor over central New Zealand this evening. Eyewitnesses from Wellington and Christchurch are talking of a fireball that rushed across the sky leaving a large trail behind it.

Daylight UFO orbs spying in clouds, Apr 2012

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012 

Uploaded by on Apr 2, 2012
After eating, I was taking a nap in my garden. This time was impressive. I love watching the sky, clouds, meteo, in my garden, sometimes when it's sunny. I spotted several strange objects, white lights hovering over a huge cloud.

WikiLeaks UFO Video Analyzed

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012 

Uploaded by on Apr 3, 2012
A credible UFO video released by Wikileaks

UFO Sighting - Monument Valley, USA - 04/03/2012

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings April 2012

Uploaded by on Apr 4, 2012
Australian tourists filmed this UFO in Monument Valley on 04/03/2012 / 03.04.2012. It looks like a flying saucer. This unidentified flying object was discovered later on the video.

UFO Caught From Airplane - Seoul, South Korea - April 07, 2012

Latest UFO Footage - Latest UFO Sightings April 2012

Uploaded by on Apr 7, 2012
Again..., another UFO that was caught from an Airplane! This UFO was filmed by a passenger over the City of Seoul in South Korea on April 07, 2012. I don't know, but it looks a little bit strange and not really similar to the other videos. If it's really real and not a fake, it looks like a kind of military drone for me. What do you think?
If you have filmed similar stuff, please contact us or video response it! Whether old or new video!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Best UFOs Footage Of March 1st To March 31st, 2012

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos March 2012

Uploaded by on Mar 30, 2012
The Best UFO Footage From Around The World In March 2012

REAL UFO Video - Pic de Bugarach - March 28, 2012

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012

Uploaded by on Mar 29, 2012
Amazing footage of an UFO over the mountain Pic de Bugarach in France, March 28, 2012. A German hiker and a Spanish Mountain Group captured this video of this UFO / OVNI on top of the mountain. Do you really think there are Aliens in that mountain?? Hmm??

UFO filmed from Plane - Birmingham 03-29-2012

Latest UFO Footage - Latest UFO Sightings March 2012 

Uploaded by on Mar 29, 2012
First of all, thanks to Conny Renner and her Family for sharing this video. Another great UFO footage caught from plane while approaching to Birmingham, AL on March 29, 2012.

You have to look very carefully to see two extremely fast objects flying from left to right over Downtown (0:27 - 0:29). First you can see the video in full length we received, then you see the video in slow motion, closed up and enhanced.

Top 20 UFO Sightings 2012 Watch Now! UFO Sightings From Around The World!

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012 

Uploaded by on Mar 29, 2012
Top 20 UFO Sightings 2012! UFO Sightings From Around The World!

Best UFO Footage In Existence This Is A MUST SEE

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012 

 Best UFO Footage In Existence This Is A MUST SEE

UFO or Orb over Alaska 29 March 2012

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012 

UFO or Orb over Alaska 29 March 2012

Latest UFO Videos - 10 UFO Closer Look Amazing Footage

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012 

UFO Closer Look Amazing Footage

UFO Over LAS VEGAS BLVD (viewer discretion advised)

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012 


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Himalayas UFO - UFO Caught on Video from Airplane - Himalayas 03/25/2012

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings

I've done hundreds of different UFO videos and most of them you can tell right away that it's a fake.  This video on the other hand has all of the elements of a real UFO video.  The only thing is which is puzzling how did they get a clear High Definition shot of the UFO. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

UFO's sighting over Homestead, USA, Feb. 16 2012

UFO Videos 2012 - UFO Sightings 

Uploaded by on Feb 16, 2012
Source - watch?v=P7FDwQYh1Q4
The same event was reported to the MUFON.COM - Case # 35846
See attached image -

Long Description of Sighting Report

"I walked out of my house on the way out to work when I noticed the lights on the general direction of Homestead air Force base. They were moving on different directions in a zig zag motion... really weird, definitely not an aircraft. Took a picture with my Iphone and ran inside the house to get a real camera, by the time I came back they were already gone... time elapsed was aprox. 30 secs."

UFO California FEB 2012: You gotta see this.....

UFO Videos - UFO Sightings 2012

Uploaded by on Feb 19, 2012
Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment,
news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is permitted.
Northern California small town of Oroville. Occurred February 13th 2012. From Sunset until late hours... and Feb 14th similar sightings in the same area.

UFO over Moscow 19.02.12

UFO Videos - UFO Sightings 2012

Daytime UFO over Utica, New York

UFO Videos - UFO Sightings 2012

UFO spacecraft over Germany on 10.02.2012

UFO Videos - UFO Sightings 

Uploaded by on Feb 20, 2012
ufo spacecraft filmed over Germany on 10.02.2012 - evaluation of the video

UFO Filmed over Bogota, Columbia

UFO Videos 2012 - UFO Sightings

Uploaded by on Feb 18, 2012
A UFO, or a pair of them, was caught on video over the nighttime skies of Bogotá, Columbia. What is it?

The unidentified flying object is notable because of the quality of the camera being used to capture the image.

What seems to be a distant pair of lights is zoomed in on, revealing the classic shape of the circular UFO with pulsating lights, brightly illuminating the sky.

The videographer makes no comment as the tape is rolling, choosing to let the camera tell the story.

It's impossible to pin down the area of Columbia, but it's obvious the object is flying over a town or village, with some traffic noise in the background.

video edited/enhanced by

UFO's sighting over Homestead, USA, Feb. 16 2012, enhanced & zoomed

UFO Videos - UFO Sightings 2012 

Uploaded by on Feb 16, 2012
Source - watch?v=P7FDwQYh1Q4
The same event was reported to the MUFON.COM - Case # 35846
See attached image -

Long Description of Sighting Report

"I walked out of my house on the way out to work when I noticed the lights on the general direction of Homestead air Force base. They were moving on different directions in a zig zag motion... really weird, definitely not an aircraft. Took a picture with my Iphone and ran inside the house to get a real camera, by the time I came back they were already gone... time elapsed was aprox. 30 secs."

UFO activity over Palmyra, Utah 14 February 2012

UFO Videos - UFO Sightings February 2012

Daytime UFO filmed over Hamburg, Germany 3-Feb-2012

UFO Videos - UFO Sightings 2012

Scientific UFO Evidence in Norway

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012

Uploaded by on Aug 31, 2011
Hessdalen,Norway has UFO Observatory since 1988.
'Fully Automatic UFO Observatory' records UFO activity 24-7 from the early 80s:
A government funded and public UFO research project done by scientists and students. They also caught "UFO"s on video. They say they don't know what they are, but they can say it's here and real.

Latest UFO Sightings - UFO Feb 12 2012 Edmonton Canada

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012

Uploaded by on Feb 12, 2012
No idea what this is, there's been three of them that do this every night, though tonight only one. This was taken using a sky-watcher 130 telescope (80x) and using a Sony DSC-N1 camera (at 3x). Telescope collimation is best I could/can get it.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ancient UFO Relics In Baltic Sea? 2012

Recent UFO Videos - Latest UFO Videos January 2012

Uploaded by on Jan 25, 2012
Swedish treasure hunters struck upon a mysterious find at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, are these discs crashed UFOs or something else, as always you decide.

Amazing UFO Video - UFA, Russia January 23, 2012.

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos January 2012

Uploaded by on Jan 25, 2012
Halit Safin, a famous photographer in Ufa, January 23, took video of an unusual glow. He phoned a friend and said that in the sky above the street in the Green Grove Kuvykina hours from eight in the evening flickers something unusual. Halit, a child fascinated by UFO, arrived at the place at midnight and filmed on camera lights with shirokofokusnym lens:
- As the photographs drew attention to the colors of the object: blue, green, red. A friend stayed in his car to follow the object, and I went home for a long lens to look at what it is. The lens I bought to watch the stars four years ago, here's the first time there is a need to use it in practice.
When Halit returned to his seat, glow in the sky is still maintained, but declined slightly. "I looked through the lens of the neighboring stars, they shone like the object", - said Halit.

UFO over Voss 24 january 2012

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings 2012

Uploaded by on Jan 28, 2012
UPDATE: So apparently this is a satelitte from the russian version of GPS; Glonass, according to some commenter and also from emails I have received.

I was making a timelapse of the auroras, and after I noticed this object in my pictures. It differs from the other moving objects wich are satellites and meteorites, because these are moving at much more speed than this object. Also, it differs from airplanes because these have strong blinking lights. The timespan of the moving object from start to end is 23 minutes. I dont really think if it was a satellite you could observe one for 23 minutes?
It is no planet, or star, since our planet is spinning like how you see the stars are moving, and the object is going the other way.
I just really wonder what it could be, any suggestions? What Im really thinking it is some kind of slow moving satellite, but I dont know. I really hope it is friendly aliens.

UFO over Lima Peru 01/22/12

Latest UFO Videos - Recent UFO Sightings 2012

Green Rod UFO Zips Across Storm Cloud - Tulsa, Oklahoma

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings January 2012

Uploaded by on Jan 24, 2012
UFO @ 0:20 I stumbled upon this interesting little clip by chance! I'm almost certain its not been uploaded to youtube until now.

UFO Sightings Documentary Eyewitness Interview! Incredible UFO Footage!

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings January 2012

Uploaded by on Jan 26, 2012
Join UFO Investigator Blake Cousins on a search to find the Best UFO Footage Every Caught on Video. This was recorded Dec, 24 2011 a behind the scenes look into the Recovery of UFO Evidence!

Real UFO Sightings! Amazing Bright UFO Jan 27,2012

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings January 2012

Uploaded by on Jan 27, 2012
Massive UFO Estimated Size 300-400 Yards! Exclusive UFO footage Caught by Brent and Blake Cousins! Its our 1st catch of a UFO and it is very Exciting to say the least! If you look for them you will see them! Let us know if you have!
We challenge any person to take a look at this video analyze it study it examine it! You will find that this is no special effect! This is real as real gets!!!!

UFO chased by the Police in Mexicali, BC, Mexico Jan 23 2012

Latest UFO Videos - Latest UFO Sightings January 2012

Uploaded by on Jan 26, 2012
A UFO caused a severe mobilization by elements of the Municipal Public Security Forces of Mexicali due to reports of citizens about the presence of a strange device in the air. Even C-4 operators, which handle urban security cameras, saw it through the system and apparently was recorded, also received hundreds of calls to 066 warning of the flying object.

INCREDIBLE! Giant UFO over the Antarctic station, Neumayer-Station III ? - January 31, 2012

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012

Uploaded by on Jan 31, 2012
As you can see, the camera captured a gigantic structure - a UFO, which was moving parallel to the Sun. What is it - you decide! For skeptics - it's not a cloud! This structure is formed!

UFO fleet over Mexico Jan. 27 2012

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012

Uploaded by on Jan 27, 2012
Video sources - watch?v=diCG1qHvLdo, watch?v=ruf1wGiQ2u0
Also the event was reported on (case ID 35291) by different witness:

"In English (not a very good one):
It was a sunny morning, around 9:00 AM, there were no clouds and the temperature was about 10°C. I was with my family in my apartment, located in the colony "Letran Valle" in Mexico City. We were just to breakfast, when looking out the window, I saw far away a series of some objects that at first seemed like metallic balloons.
After looking at them for some time, we note that they were not actually balloons like.
They were at a distance of about 5 to 6 kilometers south-west direction, at the height of the horizon (approximate) . The group of objects climbed slowly, one followed by another one (we count around 75 of them) to reach a high altitude (about 50 degrees from my place, maybe around 40 to 60 Km to the ground), and slowly they began to move northward.
Hard to tell if they emitted some kind of light or just reflected sunlight (which was very intense) because they looked very small from our perspective, and it was, sometimes, easy to lose them in the blue sky.
We took some pictures with cell phones, but it not work at all (they were too high), so I took my old Canon Rebel XT semi-pro digital camera (8 mega-pixels) and I took around 10 pictures without knowing if it really will work (because i can't see anything from the camera vision), it was very difficult to focus, given its small size and high altitude.
It took about 10 to 15 minutes to the group of objects to cross the sky, until they passed over our building (four floors), and we were not able to see them anymore.
By capturing the photographs in the computer,I happily discover the objects on the pictures with some help of the digital zoom, but sadly I did not take any clear object to work like reference to the objects...

Mysterious Lights (UFO) over Utah County Jan. 27th 2012

Recent UFO Videos - Latest UFO Videos January 2012

If you saw these lights and were wondering what it was, well guess no more. This "UFO" was launched as part of a contest to expose the logo for the website "".
This "UFO" was launched on Friday January 27th from my back yard in Lehi, Utah. Although the video is short, I was able to track it and follow it for nearly fourty five plus minutes as it slowly drifted south over American Fork and down the East side of Utah Lake towards Prove and Spanish Fork. After it began drifting to the East I quit tracking it.

Basically it was a piece of steel wire with wooden dowels as cross beams, I used about 16 feet of blue LED strip tape, and four cheap "LED projectors" with the LED light unit pulled out. My blue lights weren't long enough to complete the circle, so I just filled the gap with a small multicolor LED light string. I then hung the Freelancer logo underneath. KSL news ran a story on it Saturday night, the 28th. Both in the 6 o'clock, and 10 o'clock broadcasts, and is already creating quite a bit of buzz.

Monday, January 9, 2012

UFO News And Media Coverage World Wide (Mass Sightings)

UFO News and Sightings - Latest UFO Videos 2012

Uploaded by on Jan 2, 2012
Mass Sighting Of UFO World Wide

UFO Sighting Video 2012 (taken 2011), Serbia, Pančevo

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos January 2012

Uploaded by on Jan 3, 2012
This video has been taken in 2011 by my friend Dejan (thanks for the video man) who was on his way to work, it was taken about 21:15 at the evening, as you can see in the footage, he started filming while in his car, and video is very clear and authentic. You can see other people also trying to capture this event on their mobile phones.

New Year' s Eve Ufo lights over Hermosa Beach

Latest UFO Sightings - Latest UFO Videos January 2012

Uploaded by on Jan 2, 2012
New Year' s Eve Ufo lights over Hermosa Beach ..They're back!!! They returned to the same spot the eve of the new year with a string of lights.