Tuesday, June 7, 2011

UFO sighting in sanbernardino ca, 06-02-2011

Latest UFO Sightings -UFO Videos 2011

I saw something so very similar to this around 11:30 p.m. central-standard in Aurora, IL on Sunday, June 5, 2011.  My girlfriend and I had a very similar discussion. We saw 2 pairs of lights like this.

1 comment:

  1. I live in north sanbernardino and have video of a single orb that looks pretty much the same and moved the same and from my vantage point at the bottom of the mountains I live in the last neighborhood. on the mountains and looking at the orb through my camera it had to of been in between me and the mountain. such is a distance of only maybe a mile if that but the thing that was strange was the ominous feeling I had it seemed to be huge with my eyes but given the distance in reality using our physic's could not of been more than the size of a small car it was like it was huge and far away if there wasn't a huge mountain there at all and when u look at my video u can't tell that there is a mountain or anything else there at all it made me feel very insignificant. in the grand scheme of life like im the one that doesent belong here very inlightning experience. glad I had a camera on me.
